AKA Vaca Part II: East Coast Ed. Wrap Up
So let's see, where did I leave off? I took two mini road trips with my mom. Which was fun in a "damn the leaves are beautiful but I just want to rip my hair out" sort of way. First trip we went NW from Hartford up to the corner of the state. Beeeeautiful. Rolling hills, farms, huge old houses, fantastic leaves to peep. And I forgot my camera. So that day was documented by my phone. Not too bad, but I missed out on some phenomenal pics. We even made it over the border into New York. Coming from a landlocked tiny town that still blows my mind. You just drive? And end up in another state? I don't get it.
Then the next day we headed in the opposite direction and ended up in New London and Mystic, CT. This time I took my camera. And this time there weren't nearly as many interesting things to photograph. But I got some neat shots. We went to the Coast Guard Academy so my mom could renew her pass. But her registration expired the next day and she didn't bring the new one. So no new pass. Silly lady. I saw TWO Alaska plates on cars. Tugged at my heartstrings something fierce. Then we drove to Mystic. Well let me clarify. Mom got on the freeway headed to New York. I told her we were headed the wrong way and made her turn around. So yeah I can't drive, I am an amazing navigator! And don't you forget it!
So we get to Mystic and eat at, ta da, Mystic Pizza! You know, like the movie. From the 80's. That I think I might have seen. Once. When I was five. I wasn't that impressed. Hoky stuff like that is not my thing. But the food was ok and I got some shotglasses for my friend.
The day of the flight I was trying to convince myself that my ten ton suitcase wasn't over fifty lbs. HA! I finally swiped a duffle from the attic and loaded it up. It weighed about 20ish lbs. The big suitcase was too big to balance on the scale to see how much it weighed. (It ended up weighing 51 lbs! After I took at least 20 out!! But she let me slide and didn't charge me.)
I won't bore you with the details from the drive up to Boston. But it was basically more "Holy hell I want to pull my hair out!" then "Look at the pretty trees." Especially when we got to the airport. My mom went to arrivals first. Sheesh. Gets to departures and asks, "Where do I park?" What? This is where I get dropped off. Ugh, so we go around. She refuses to go in where it says PARKING and instead ends up back at arrivals. Holy crap. So we go around again. Once more refusing to enter the parking area. This time we end up back on the freeway!! By now I am swearing away. I feel bad. Now. Not at the moment. So anyway, we finally get there and she lets me go. Then I'm sitting down outside security and she walks up. So we got to hang out for a while longer.
I feel bad, but this kind of shit is why we don't get along. She is so nice and I should have no reason to ever be upset at her. But I am. Almost always. She just does things so passively and gets under my skin. Arg. Well I did my time, see ya in 2 years!
The flight wasn't too bad. Had a suit sit down next to me, take the longest, hardest stare at my arm o' tattoos and move. Hahahahahaha! He didn't really move because of me, but I bet he felt better not being near a crazy hooligan like me. So I got an empty seat next to me! Woo Hoo!
And that concludes my East Coast portion of my trip. Up next, Seattle Sisterland Redux.
Just a blog about a girl. And her wife. And life without gluten or animal products. And dreams of gaybies.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
I'm single. At least for the winter. Or something like that. I guess I should be more upset, but it was mostly my idea. It makes no sense to be involved with someone on the other side of the country. Out of town 13 out of 14 days? Maybe. Across the country? Just ridiculous. I wish things could be different, but it is what it is. If it's meant to be then it shall be. And we are still friends, we have no reason to not be. It's really just the immense space of the United States getting in the way. So for now I'm looking forward to the adventures I will be having this winter. And maybe some familiar adventures next summer. Or new ones! Either way, I don't know where I'm going, but I know I'm going forward!
Still here
Don't got much going on. And even less that's blog worthy. The weather has been down right craptastic. Rainy and cold and even some almost snow. You'd think I was home. But today was pretty and sunny again. Hopefully it lasts at least until I leave on Friday. And then follows me to Seattle.
So I've been working on my Halloween costume. My friend is going to be a bumblebee. Which for some reason I was thinking of being. Totally not me but I haven't been able to get the idea out of my head. So we decided I should be a lady bug to match her costume. Well the premade costumes are lame and not worth spending money on. So what did I do? Spent more money! I found a fantastic site called Hips and Curves, specializing in hot corsets and other unmentionables for curvy girls. *Ahem* me. So I got a black corset which I can obviously use many more times. And two short petticoats. One in red and one in black. And some fishnets. Yes this year I am using my right as a girl to be a slutty version of some animal.
But now I have to find wings and antennas and make little dots to go on the corset. You'd think finding some damn wings would be simple. But noooo. None of them were the right size. If they were the right size, they were the wrong color. Sheesh. So looks like I will be making some wings. Or turn my costume into something else slutty. I'm sure I'll figure it out. And just to prove just how awesome the site is, here ya go. Rawr.

So I've been working on my Halloween costume. My friend is going to be a bumblebee. Which for some reason I was thinking of being. Totally not me but I haven't been able to get the idea out of my head. So we decided I should be a lady bug to match her costume. Well the premade costumes are lame and not worth spending money on. So what did I do? Spent more money! I found a fantastic site called Hips and Curves, specializing in hot corsets and other unmentionables for curvy girls. *Ahem* me. So I got a black corset which I can obviously use many more times. And two short petticoats. One in red and one in black. And some fishnets. Yes this year I am using my right as a girl to be a slutty version of some animal.
But now I have to find wings and antennas and make little dots to go on the corset. You'd think finding some damn wings would be simple. But noooo. None of them were the right size. If they were the right size, they were the wrong color. Sheesh. So looks like I will be making some wings. Or turn my costume into something else slutty. I'm sure I'll figure it out. And just to prove just how awesome the site is, here ya go. Rawr.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Q & A's
Found a new way to waste away my vacation minutes.
Saw this survey on that infamous social network I spent every minute on and decided it would be more fun to answer it here. So 'ere it goes...
How old were you when you got your first kiss?
15. Lemke's basement, but not with him.
Have you ever shop-lifted from any store?
I once slipped a cheap (I'm talking $2 max) ring on my finger and left the store. I was in middle school and still feel bad about it today.
Do you believe in Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster?
Kind of. The world, as cramped as it is becoming, is still a massively large place. There just might be amazing creatures out there we don't know about. At least I'd like to hope so.
Have you ever traveled out of the counrty?
Only to the "hat" and "underoo's" of this country. I don't think they count. Don't get me wrong guys, you count! It's just that I've only gone through Canada to get back home to AK or go down south. Not as a let's explore the country trip.
If you were President what would be the first thing you would fix?
The glaring lack of gay rights. Nuff said.
Have you ever swam in the buff?
I don't think I ever have. How sad.
Have you ever cheated in school on a test?
Yes! I remember trying to cheat off of a map of Africa behind me in some world studies class. I kept turning and the substitute thought I was looking at my friends test. She took my test away but I later found out I still received credit for it and passed. Sucka!
What is your favorite food?
Favorite type of food would have to be "Asian". One because it's such a broad term and two because it's damn delicious.
Ever kicked an amimal? including any pets you have or had?
I have kicked my kitten. Generally after he scratches the shit out of me. But not like I punt him across the room. As much as I would love to.
If you had a million dollars what would be the first thing you would buy?
Probably upgrade my ticket back home to first class. Then a house or three.
Do you have any phobias?
I have irrational fears. Such as driving. I have horrible panic attacks when I attempt to drive. Hence me being 28 and still sans license.
What would be your last meal?
Probably something really fattening. Like the most perfect chicken fried steak and all the goodness.
Ever broken the law (not including speeding or a parking ticket)?
Nothing I've been caught for!
What T.V. game show would you like to be on?
Cash Cab! I yell at the TV when the idiots on there don't know something I deem simple. I would probably get on it and get stumped by some world events question though.
Who do you think is the most evil person in the world right now (alive)
I don't think there is one. But I think there is an evil hating mindset in a lot of people and it just spreads.
Are you happy with you body?
Nope. Not at all. But better than I used to be. I'm finally pretty much ok with my face, my body will come someday.
Do you believe in God?
I believe there may be a higher power that started it all. I don't believe that there is a gray haired man sittin on a cloud looking down on creation. I can't ignore science which a lot of religious people find a way to do.
Have you ever been in love?
Three times. And seeing how much I like lucky talismans, it is hopefully a charm!!
Saw this survey on that infamous social network I spent every minute on and decided it would be more fun to answer it here. So 'ere it goes...
How old were you when you got your first kiss?
15. Lemke's basement, but not with him.
Have you ever shop-lifted from any store?
I once slipped a cheap (I'm talking $2 max) ring on my finger and left the store. I was in middle school and still feel bad about it today.
Do you believe in Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster?
Kind of. The world, as cramped as it is becoming, is still a massively large place. There just might be amazing creatures out there we don't know about. At least I'd like to hope so.
Have you ever traveled out of the counrty?
Only to the "hat" and "underoo's" of this country. I don't think they count. Don't get me wrong guys, you count! It's just that I've only gone through Canada to get back home to AK or go down south. Not as a let's explore the country trip.
If you were President what would be the first thing you would fix?
The glaring lack of gay rights. Nuff said.
Have you ever swam in the buff?
I don't think I ever have. How sad.
Have you ever cheated in school on a test?
Yes! I remember trying to cheat off of a map of Africa behind me in some world studies class. I kept turning and the substitute thought I was looking at my friends test. She took my test away but I later found out I still received credit for it and passed. Sucka!
What is your favorite food?
Favorite type of food would have to be "Asian". One because it's such a broad term and two because it's damn delicious.
Ever kicked an amimal? including any pets you have or had?
I have kicked my kitten. Generally after he scratches the shit out of me. But not like I punt him across the room. As much as I would love to.
If you had a million dollars what would be the first thing you would buy?
Probably upgrade my ticket back home to first class. Then a house or three.
Do you have any phobias?
I have irrational fears. Such as driving. I have horrible panic attacks when I attempt to drive. Hence me being 28 and still sans license.
What would be your last meal?
Probably something really fattening. Like the most perfect chicken fried steak and all the goodness.
Ever broken the law (not including speeding or a parking ticket)?
Nothing I've been caught for!
What T.V. game show would you like to be on?
Cash Cab! I yell at the TV when the idiots on there don't know something I deem simple. I would probably get on it and get stumped by some world events question though.
Who do you think is the most evil person in the world right now (alive)
I don't think there is one. But I think there is an evil hating mindset in a lot of people and it just spreads.
Are you happy with you body?
Nope. Not at all. But better than I used to be. I'm finally pretty much ok with my face, my body will come someday.
Do you believe in God?
I believe there may be a higher power that started it all. I don't believe that there is a gray haired man sittin on a cloud looking down on creation. I can't ignore science which a lot of religious people find a way to do.
Have you ever been in love?
Three times. And seeing how much I like lucky talismans, it is hopefully a charm!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Keepin on keeping on
So I have had a little spare time lately. Like say, all day, to peruse the internet. Turns out there isn't much on it. So after checking my fave blogs, it's back to darned face book. Because it's there. And if I'm online and one of my friends back home is, instant convo! The four hour time difference doesn't help however. So I adopted a pet on there. It's completely stupid and not something I would waste my time with ordinarily. But it's filling time. And it makes me laugh because I adopted a panda and named it Frigid. As in "The only species that won't fuck to save itself." One of my fave authors. So that makes me giggle. And I've been taking quizzes. Big surprise there. I do one and get on a bender, searching for the best and most descriptive quiz ever. Because I suck. Yesterday I took one called "What cute love quote are you?" Don't judge me, I'm a bored girl in love! And the answer I got was "If I can only be with you in my dreams, let me sleep forever." Le Sigh! It was all about long distance shit. The line in the description that I need to remember was "Keep up the fight and be who you are. Love lasts a lifetime. If it's the real thing you'll know.." Remember how I believe in signs and fate and all that good stuff? Even face book is telling me to fight for her. And I shall.
And that commences my low point in bloggerdom. Blogging about a quiz result and my fake panda I adopted, both from face book. Shoot...me...now.
Oh yeah! I found out I can "walk" past her house via street view using g.oogle maps. Made me grin like an idiot to see the porch I stood on with her less than a week ago. I can't wait to be there again.
And that commences my low point in bloggerdom. Blogging about a quiz result and my fake panda I adopted, both from face book. Shoot...me...now.
Oh yeah! I found out I can "walk" past her house via street view using g.oogle maps. Made me grin like an idiot to see the porch I stood on with her less than a week ago. I can't wait to be there again.
Farm livin' is the life for me
Today was 100% wholesome, good ol' fashioned work. I harvested a row of carrots and a row of beets. Dug 'em up out of the ground with my two hands. Washed em up all good and got to a chopping. I was going to pickle and can the beets but after boiling them decided not to. Instead I made a salad as similar as possible to one I get from a grocer where my sis lives. I even picked all the herbs from the garden. Still just blows my mind. It turned out pretty darn tasty.
Now on to the carrots. Yesterday some nice neighbor guy brought a bunch of medium spicy peppers. And we have carrots. So I bought cauliflower and vinegar and started looking up how to make giardiniera. I sorta fudged several recipes together. But it seemed ok. Pretty much spent all day in front of the sink either washing, peeling or chopping. Then I sanitized all of the jars and whatnot for the canning. I am still uncertain if I filled them correctly, but again, it seemed ok. Boiled em all up and ended up with at least a dozen that are correctly sealed. At least two are totally effed and a couple others that seem questionable. Still way more spicy veggie goodness than I need. Hello xmas gifts!
All in all it was pretty darn rad. I really could do this. Always. I could only feel more accomplished if I had planted and grown the veggies I picked today. Why do I have to call home a place that is so expensive? Sure things grow there and people have gardens. But I doubt my landlord would like it if I started a little garden on the roof next to my studio apartment. Just going out on a limb there. A place with a yard? Right. Ahh anyway, yet another day dream to pass the time working at the bar or the knife shop.
And now to enjoy some lovely VT beer. "Blackbeary Wheat" from Long Trail, pretty tasty. I think I like Magic Hat #9 best out of the VT beers I've tried so far. Definitely not a fan of Magic Hat Wacko. But the bottle was pretty. And I do love being entertained by the little phrases under the lid.
On the B front, she should hopefully be down here Thursday. I fucking hope so. Think I'll go smoke and wish on a star :) Night lovies.
Now on to the carrots. Yesterday some nice neighbor guy brought a bunch of medium spicy peppers. And we have carrots. So I bought cauliflower and vinegar and started looking up how to make giardiniera. I sorta fudged several recipes together. But it seemed ok. Pretty much spent all day in front of the sink either washing, peeling or chopping. Then I sanitized all of the jars and whatnot for the canning. I am still uncertain if I filled them correctly, but again, it seemed ok. Boiled em all up and ended up with at least a dozen that are correctly sealed. At least two are totally effed and a couple others that seem questionable. Still way more spicy veggie goodness than I need. Hello xmas gifts!
All in all it was pretty darn rad. I really could do this. Always. I could only feel more accomplished if I had planted and grown the veggies I picked today. Why do I have to call home a place that is so expensive? Sure things grow there and people have gardens. But I doubt my landlord would like it if I started a little garden on the roof next to my studio apartment. Just going out on a limb there. A place with a yard? Right. Ahh anyway, yet another day dream to pass the time working at the bar or the knife shop.
And now to enjoy some lovely VT beer. "Blackbeary Wheat" from Long Trail, pretty tasty. I think I like Magic Hat #9 best out of the VT beers I've tried so far. Definitely not a fan of Magic Hat Wacko. But the bottle was pretty. And I do love being entertained by the little phrases under the lid.
On the B front, she should hopefully be down here Thursday. I fucking hope so. Think I'll go smoke and wish on a star :) Night lovies.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy Post?
I'll try and make it so, but no promises. I've been spinning my wheels in CT since B dropped me off on Thursday. The story was she'd be back by today or Monday. And that got delayed. So now maybe Wednesday. Which is making me feel like I have a soggy rain cloud around my head. Well so much for happy post. It's just so very frustrating to be within 3 hours of her and not be with her. Especially when I only have limited days when I can possibly be with her. I'm literally killing time. Bam. Gone. But all I can tell myself is that I'm in it to win it. This is worth it. It's worth whatever this winter can throw at me. She's worth it a million times over. I've got this!
The slight upside to her not moving to Juneau this winter is that I'm free to work at the bar. Not that she wouldn't let me! It's just that I hated the idea of her being there working a more normal hours job and me going to work when she gets home. I hate living an opposite life. It's not fun. Not even a little. But if she's not there, hell I can work every effing night. Working New Year's Eve? Not a prob, no one to kiss! So my current plan is to work as much as possible all winter. This will make time pass and make me money. Another plan is to stop drinking. Like completely. All the time. I know myself and I know I will end up shooting myself in the foot if I drink this winter. So that will be even better for me! I'm not going to eff up the most amazing thing to happen to me because I want to get tipsy. I'm too old to do that crap. I've got my eye on the prize. So for now I'm working my way through my bottle o' vodka at my mom's house. And damn am I a good bartender!
Today was a good day though. I did all kinds of crafty stuff. Like tons yo! I added text to the wall hanging I started painting yesterday. And I watercolored a picture of the back yard and gave it to my mom. It should be hung on the fridge cause it looks like a 7th grader made it. But it made me happy. I sat outside pretty much all day painting. And drilling. Or etching, whatever. I got a little pen sized etching tool and picked the good rocks from around the patio and etched stuff on them. Mostly hearts and stars and whatnot. My ulterior motive is to give them to B (so that she thinks about me every second I'm not with her). Big surprise there! I may get some shallow wood box and fill it with white sand and she can have a tiny zen garden of love or I will just give her the stones. Some of them turned out pretty darn cool. Iffin I do say so myself. I also finally got my metal character stamps. Woo hoo! I've been searching for them all summer. Debating whether or not I really needed them or not. And then we were going to some store and next to it was one of the places I had found them online. Hot damn real world! They haven't worked perfectly yet. I need a benchstone or anvil, but they will!
Later on in the day a neighbor brought over a ton of mystery peppers and broccoli from the community garden. Grandma didn't want him to leave all of it, she thought it was too much. I said hell no and thank you very much, we'll take it ALL! Turns out the peppers are hot like I thought. They are delish is what they really are! So I have two bowls of sliced peppers waiting. I think I am going to make pickled peppers. And also that mix my dad loved to eat, some Italian thing. Peppers, cauliflower, carrots and onions pickled together. I love that shit. And now I get to make it? Holy effing radness batman. So my plan is to research just the right recipe and techniques tonight. Tomorrow pick the carrots and beets from the backyard and getta cannin! Oh yeah I'm gonna pickle some beets too. I could very quickly get used to having a garden. Very quickly.
The slight upside to her not moving to Juneau this winter is that I'm free to work at the bar. Not that she wouldn't let me! It's just that I hated the idea of her being there working a more normal hours job and me going to work when she gets home. I hate living an opposite life. It's not fun. Not even a little. But if she's not there, hell I can work every effing night. Working New Year's Eve? Not a prob, no one to kiss! So my current plan is to work as much as possible all winter. This will make time pass and make me money. Another plan is to stop drinking. Like completely. All the time. I know myself and I know I will end up shooting myself in the foot if I drink this winter. So that will be even better for me! I'm not going to eff up the most amazing thing to happen to me because I want to get tipsy. I'm too old to do that crap. I've got my eye on the prize. So for now I'm working my way through my bottle o' vodka at my mom's house. And damn am I a good bartender!
Today was a good day though. I did all kinds of crafty stuff. Like tons yo! I added text to the wall hanging I started painting yesterday. And I watercolored a picture of the back yard and gave it to my mom. It should be hung on the fridge cause it looks like a 7th grader made it. But it made me happy. I sat outside pretty much all day painting. And drilling. Or etching, whatever. I got a little pen sized etching tool and picked the good rocks from around the patio and etched stuff on them. Mostly hearts and stars and whatnot. My ulterior motive is to give them to B (so that she thinks about me every second I'm not with her). Big surprise there! I may get some shallow wood box and fill it with white sand and she can have a tiny zen garden of love or I will just give her the stones. Some of them turned out pretty darn cool. Iffin I do say so myself. I also finally got my metal character stamps. Woo hoo! I've been searching for them all summer. Debating whether or not I really needed them or not. And then we were going to some store and next to it was one of the places I had found them online. Hot damn real world! They haven't worked perfectly yet. I need a benchstone or anvil, but they will!
Later on in the day a neighbor brought over a ton of mystery peppers and broccoli from the community garden. Grandma didn't want him to leave all of it, she thought it was too much. I said hell no and thank you very much, we'll take it ALL! Turns out the peppers are hot like I thought. They are delish is what they really are! So I have two bowls of sliced peppers waiting. I think I am going to make pickled peppers. And also that mix my dad loved to eat, some Italian thing. Peppers, cauliflower, carrots and onions pickled together. I love that shit. And now I get to make it? Holy effing radness batman. So my plan is to research just the right recipe and techniques tonight. Tomorrow pick the carrots and beets from the backyard and getta cannin! Oh yeah I'm gonna pickle some beets too. I could very quickly get used to having a garden. Very quickly.
real life worries,
the girl
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Vaca Part II: East Coastness
I flew into Boston Sunday night. After flying first class. Oh yeaaaah. It was so nice, so so very nice. I never want to go back to sitting with the peasants again. Of course that is where I will sit every time I fly for the rest of my life, but oh well. B was an hour late picking me up, but it was worth every second of waiting. Oh bliss to hold her in my arms again!
Spent Monday and Tuesday driving all around VT. Went up to the mountain she works on and she tried to get me to climb a fire watchtower. What a silly girl. But the view was absolutely amazing. Got to do a little hiking, saw turkeys in the wild, tons of cows and horses. Got to pet her sister's pigs and cluck at her chickens on her farm.
Met her two sisters, her dad and a good friend. All who are rad as fuck. I helped pull up carpet staples with her dad and then rip out the living room carpet. Helped bring in fire wood for the wood stove. All kinds of wholesome country activities. Drank a bunch of local beer. Magic Hat #9, delish. Very much like Pyramid Apricot Ale but they have fun little sayings under the bottle cap. Had Switchback something or other at the Barn last night. Pretty tasty as well. Tried some of her Ten Penny? beer. Also tasty. Basically being in the country brings out the beer drinker in me. Maybe it's just her.
She drove me down to my mom's in West Hartford today to drop me off. She is going to be helping move stuff from room to room as the new carpet is installed this weekend. Then she is driving back down to spend hopefully the week with me and my mom and gmom. And then I don't know what. My bro in law is playing in NH on Saturday and I know my mom wants to go see him. I would kind of like to stay here all week, go up and see him and then go to VT with B for most of the rest of the time I'm on the East Coast. But it depends on what she has to do for her job.
After she dropped me off I got dirty! Got to play in my gmom's garden. So much fun for a girl from Alaska. I got to pull up carrots and beets. Picked a bell pepper and coriander. And then I roasted them in VT maple syrup and ate them with pasta with pesto made from basil from the garden. Too effing rad. This darn coast can definitely win me over. If only all of my friends would pick a town and move there with me.
But the thing is, it's just not for me. I love-hate-mostly love Juneau. I love the coziness of the town. I hate that rent is through the roof for a ghetto craptastic apartment and bell peppers usually cost more than $3. But it's beautiful. It's my home. I hate the hustle and bustle of everywhere else. Up in VT it was so nice and chill but so spread out. They all commute at least an hour to their jobs. That just doesn't make any sense to me. People do that in big cities, living their lives in their cars. Why choose to do that? I don't know. I think I have lots to mull over during this trip. Hopefully I can make it all make sense and come to the best decision.
Spent Monday and Tuesday driving all around VT. Went up to the mountain she works on and she tried to get me to climb a fire watchtower. What a silly girl. But the view was absolutely amazing. Got to do a little hiking, saw turkeys in the wild, tons of cows and horses. Got to pet her sister's pigs and cluck at her chickens on her farm.
Met her two sisters, her dad and a good friend. All who are rad as fuck. I helped pull up carpet staples with her dad and then rip out the living room carpet. Helped bring in fire wood for the wood stove. All kinds of wholesome country activities. Drank a bunch of local beer. Magic Hat #9, delish. Very much like Pyramid Apricot Ale but they have fun little sayings under the bottle cap. Had Switchback something or other at the Barn last night. Pretty tasty as well. Tried some of her Ten Penny? beer. Also tasty. Basically being in the country brings out the beer drinker in me. Maybe it's just her.
She drove me down to my mom's in West Hartford today to drop me off. She is going to be helping move stuff from room to room as the new carpet is installed this weekend. Then she is driving back down to spend hopefully the week with me and my mom and gmom. And then I don't know what. My bro in law is playing in NH on Saturday and I know my mom wants to go see him. I would kind of like to stay here all week, go up and see him and then go to VT with B for most of the rest of the time I'm on the East Coast. But it depends on what she has to do for her job.
After she dropped me off I got dirty! Got to play in my gmom's garden. So much fun for a girl from Alaska. I got to pull up carrots and beets. Picked a bell pepper and coriander. And then I roasted them in VT maple syrup and ate them with pasta with pesto made from basil from the garden. Too effing rad. This darn coast can definitely win me over. If only all of my friends would pick a town and move there with me.
But the thing is, it's just not for me. I love-hate-mostly love Juneau. I love the coziness of the town. I hate that rent is through the roof for a ghetto craptastic apartment and bell peppers usually cost more than $3. But it's beautiful. It's my home. I hate the hustle and bustle of everywhere else. Up in VT it was so nice and chill but so spread out. They all commute at least an hour to their jobs. That just doesn't make any sense to me. People do that in big cities, living their lives in their cars. Why choose to do that? I don't know. I think I have lots to mull over during this trip. Hopefully I can make it all make sense and come to the best decision.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Vaca Part I: Seattle Tripola
Had a great flight outta Juneau Thursday. Even though I had to sit between two people. Who I didn't know. There was a hilarious flight attendant dude that made the flight awesome. The two Finlandia cran's helped too.
The always amazing Sevanni picked me up, we drove up to her place and chitter chatted all the way. I loves her! I wish she still lived in Juneau. She made the Rondy not so soul sucking. We got all hotted up and hung out at her work for most of the night, taking a slight crawl down the road to another divey type bar. It was a blast. Just what I needed. And what she needed too :)
Had perhaps the best (and worst for me) breakfast ever the next morning. Deep fried peanut butter stuffed french toast with bananas and whip cream and maple syrup. And bacon. Hooooo boy was it good!
S took me up to my sis's place in Bothell and I got to meet my new nephew Jackson. So so so cute. Holy cuteness! So smiley and so serious at the same time. I loves him! It makes me sad to think he's going to grow up just like Aiden and Ella and I'm gonna barely see him. But this is the second time this year I've been able to visit so maybe it's getting better. Speaking of the other monkeys, they rock. I got to cheer on Aiden and keep Ella warm at his football game this morning. 4-0 baby! Go Trojans! I wish I could spend my entire vacation here. But I do get a whole week with them at the end of the month. Carve some pumpkins, glitter tattoos session two, it's gonna be good.
And now the countdown that seemed endless is so almost close to being done. I can't wait to step off that plane tomorrow night. My uber girl mind can't help but imagine it totally pre-9/11 style. Her waiting right at the gate looking eagerly shy and dapper and perhaps holding flowers, me looking perfectly femme and rolling a carry on bag up the ramp. I run to her, we embrace, she spins me around lifting my 40's style pumps off the ground and making my houndstooth trench flair around me. Squeezing tighter and tighter until there is no space between us. And that's when the audience sighs. As do I because that is so not how it's gonna be. It's gonna be great, but none of the film noir spit curls or flowers. But I don't care. Because what will be there is her. And me. Finally on the same coast, in the same time zone, in the same state, in the same room. Sigh effing sigh. One last sleeps till what feels like the best Christmas ever.
The always amazing Sevanni picked me up, we drove up to her place and chitter chatted all the way. I loves her! I wish she still lived in Juneau. She made the Rondy not so soul sucking. We got all hotted up and hung out at her work for most of the night, taking a slight crawl down the road to another divey type bar. It was a blast. Just what I needed. And what she needed too :)
Had perhaps the best (and worst for me) breakfast ever the next morning. Deep fried peanut butter stuffed french toast with bananas and whip cream and maple syrup. And bacon. Hooooo boy was it good!
S took me up to my sis's place in Bothell and I got to meet my new nephew Jackson. So so so cute. Holy cuteness! So smiley and so serious at the same time. I loves him! It makes me sad to think he's going to grow up just like Aiden and Ella and I'm gonna barely see him. But this is the second time this year I've been able to visit so maybe it's getting better. Speaking of the other monkeys, they rock. I got to cheer on Aiden and keep Ella warm at his football game this morning. 4-0 baby! Go Trojans! I wish I could spend my entire vacation here. But I do get a whole week with them at the end of the month. Carve some pumpkins, glitter tattoos session two, it's gonna be good.
And now the countdown that seemed endless is so almost close to being done. I can't wait to step off that plane tomorrow night. My uber girl mind can't help but imagine it totally pre-9/11 style. Her waiting right at the gate looking eagerly shy and dapper and perhaps holding flowers, me looking perfectly femme and rolling a carry on bag up the ramp. I run to her, we embrace, she spins me around lifting my 40's style pumps off the ground and making my houndstooth trench flair around me. Squeezing tighter and tighter until there is no space between us. And that's when the audience sighs. As do I because that is so not how it's gonna be. It's gonna be great, but none of the film noir spit curls or flowers. But I don't care. Because what will be there is her. And me. Finally on the same coast, in the same time zone, in the same state, in the same room. Sigh effing sigh. One last sleeps till what feels like the best Christmas ever.
seattle sister trip,
the girl,
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