Well I am definitely a smitten kitten. It's awesome and scary and fantastic all rolled up in a beautiful, funny, smart, strawberry blond package. She is just slightly fucking amazing. I have truly never met someone I have so much in common with, it's strange in such a good way. I lose my breath every time I see her. What am I 13? Christ. But fuck it, I'm gonna be all floaty happy while I can. Who knows what the future brings but the present is pretty damn epic.
Which makes me not hate work too horribly, so it's really win win win. Just starting receiving freight. Woot. I am excited for it to just be up and running and to work my ass off. The transition from being a part time sleep through the day bartender to up at the ass crack retail manager is tough. I can do either fine, it's just getting into the right mind set. Plus I loooove to sleep during the day. It's just so much better to be awake at night.
Tomorrow I'm meeting with a professional coach. I'm sure it will be fine but I am not really looking forward to it. I know she will tell me all the stuff I know I should be doing but don't want to. Ugh. I don't want to be more professional. I mean, seriously! I want two full sleeves, a wife and babies and a farm. But currently I guess this is what I am. Shmeesh.