Friday, August 29, 2008

Bucket list

I haven't seen the movie, and frankly I don't want to. Yes, let's watch old men do things and then die. Ahh, that does sound like two quality hours. Anyhoo, I do like the idea (but not the name) of a bucket list. Things to do before you kick the bucket, for those of you reading from under a rock.
I don't have a lot of things I have to do. I just don't care as much as others. But I do have at least two:
  1. Get a traditional style super fucking painful tattoo. You know, the tap tap kind, not the buzz buzz modern kind. Preferably in New Zealand, one of the few faraway destinations that I really, really want to go to.
  2. Go to Machu Picchu. I was just reminded of just how badly I want this when I was perusing Mrs. B's awesome pictures.
But I don't want to be pushing 60 and then decide to start crossing shit off my list. Sure, I could do these things when I'm old, buuut I don't wanna. But then I start thinking about how the hell could I afford to do either of these things anytime soon? I am going to be 60 before I can. Lame. So I must make myself do them, find ways to afford it. I spend too much money on frivolous things, I could be saving for a kick ass vaca far far away. 
What I really need to do is just work at my credit card debt. Once that's gone, if I filled it up again with a trip at least that would be more worth it than drinking and eating out.
Which brings me to quitting. I need to quit smoking. I could be saving so much money. Let's see, we'll say a pack a day, cause it pretty much is. That is $49 dollars a week at $7 a pack, $210 a month, $2,520 a YEAR. That is how much I spend, to kill myself yearly. Dear god, I don't want to get into how much I spend on drinks. Hell, even if I didn't save the money, I could afford to have cable and internet (not the spotty stolen kind), or it could go towards my debt. Or I could go to the gym, the good one in town, not the ghetto gym I used to. That's it. I have to quit again. I just need Sarah on my side this time. It's too hard to do when my lovely is still smoking after every meal. 
Anyway that turned into a lovely little ramble. Off to take pictures of Zyda while she's all sleepy and adorable.

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