Thursday, December 31, 2009

End o' Year Rant

Well I'm always complaining, might as well finish out oh nine with one. But this is valid!
Mkay, so I went out last night. I shouldn't have because I've been sick and sleeping all week. But I was going stir crazy and I have a hard time saying no to my friends. And I hadn't seen Hdot in a bit and I love her and so I went. We had a great time, hopped around, probably drank more than we needed to. Got a cab home and I spent the night at her house. Then we had to get back to her car today. We didn't get to it till 1:30, which yes is late in the day. Especially for somewhere that it's one hour parking.
BUT she had THREE parking tickets! For fuck's sake!! So the first one was because it was a night they clean the streets and she shouldn't have been there. So that one was at like 2:30AM. Ok fine, shouldn't have parked there over night. But then she got two more tickets for exceeding the hour limit. That's just excessive. And ridiculous and pisses me the fuck off! For being a responsible drinker and not driving home drunk last night, she will have to pay $91! The cab $11 plus $5 tip, and three $25 parking tickets. Thank you city and borough of Juneau. WTF?
My proposal is to have a grace period until noon. This would encourage people to leave their cars downtown and be safe and take a cab. And give em just enough time to drag their hungover asses out of bed and back downtown to get their cars. If they don't make it by noon, tough shit let the ticketing begin. In fact it wouldn't have to be all the downtown streets, obviously the cars would clog up all the "booming" retail business we have there. But there could be one street. Or two spots on every block that were "overnight friendly." Why not? I think it's a great compromise. I think there are a lot of options here and it should be changed. It would help everyone out. The city will still make tons of money ticketing people in other spots. The bars will make more money because people won't leave early in order to drive home. The cabs will get more fares. It's win, win, fucking win people!
And on a side note, cabs. I think they should have some promo going where if you keep your receipt from the night before and call them in the morning for the ride back downtown or where ever, you should get like $2 off or something. Promoting repeat business, doooo eeet!

And I think that's enough of me ranting for one year :) Hee hee. Be safe and have fun tonight. And be careful where you park your car!

And as a little aside, for the random passerby reading this who doesn't know me, I don't drive. I don't own a car and don't have my license. I just think this is outrageous and should be changed.

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