So this weekend was a huge success as far as parties go. I am exhausted, but very proud. After my crap shift and no sleep on Friday, I had to get up and get all the party supplies. But the person I was going to do all this with bailed on me. Thanks. Then a friend who just moved in upstairs needed help installing blinds. Me being the procrastinating co-dependant obviously agreed to help. While helping, I got a call from the friend who was too tired to go shopping. She had to take her brothers cat to the vet because it was possibly dying. And she needed me to go with her. I love procrastinating and there is no way I would have let her go by herself, so I go.
We spend forever at the vet, turns out the cat might have had a stroke (she's 17!), but should be fine. My friend drops the cat off at home and we get tons of green supplies for the party. We went to this balloon novelty / adult shop and got 30 balloons. It took the lady forever to blow them up, so we looked through a catalog of stripper shoes. Awesome! It was so funny to see the weird ass shoes. And tons of them came in sizes up to 17, so they were also for cross dressers or drag queens. Which is way cooler than strippers any day.
So we get the supplies, head downtown and try to decorate before my boss, the birthday girl gets there. She knew something was going on, but didn't know the extent of it. If blogger wasn't sucking balls, I could show you how awesome the decorations were and how happy she was. I got her favorite candies, Hot Tamales and Cherry Cordial Kisses and played her favorite movies, Labyrinth and Lost Boys. She was very impressed. Maybe I'll get a raise. I thought I had to be second on that night because we have no bartenders, seriously. But someone volunteered, so I only had to work for an hour or so behind the bar. Which was good because I had to
bartend at 8 the next
morning. And that's when the fun really began.
The 30 balloons I got were for Sunday. The plan was for everyone to day drink at our bar until I got off shift at 2, then pub crawl around town, head back to our bar for a live band. I told the
bday girl I would give her a dollar for every balloon not popped by the end of the night. So it was open season on balloons and 30 is a lot to protect. I think she only popped one herself on accident. But by the end of the night, I didn't owe her any money. It was so fun watching her guard them, especially as she got drunker throughout the day. When we made it back to our bar, everyone was fairly buzzed but doing good. So we played Twister. Lots of ass shots, and not as much falling down as you would expect. Hilarious fun.
Then the band started up and by then I was getting too drunk. I apparently missed the band juggling. Lame. We brought out the cake and Sarah shoved some in the
bday girl's face and then it was on. Cake everywhere. I still have cake on my shoes. Again great pics, I'll try and upload them later. Back to the band, dancing, having a great drunk time. I fell,
could have been the drinking,
could have been our uneven floor. But I rolled both of my ankles and damn it hurt! I'm a crier anyway and it didn't help that I was drunk and Sarah had run across the street so I was alone. And that was the end of the night for me. I felt like a fool for being the drunk girl who fell and for getting a little teary, so I called Sarah and told her it was time to go home. I went to another bar where a bunch of our friends where to wait for her, and of course I get shots from them. But luckily Sarah showed up before I had too many. It was a fun day, shitty end, and even shittier shift the next moring at 8 AM with my hungover ass.