I've had some lame shifts, working in a bar it's pretty much guaranteed. But last night took the cake. I wanted to walk out within the first hour. That's bad. I can't really write and explain why it was so bad unless you are familiar with my town and the problem it has with drunks and my bar. Basically we're a small town, not much to do, high amount of Natives (NOT that I am saying all Natives are alcoholics, just a lot that come into my bar or hang out down town are), and about 7 bars and two liquor stores within a block. So I think we have a slightly concentrated amount of "professional drunks". Oh and we have the local soup kitchen just a block or so away, so we get all kinds of bums, drunks, druggies, it pretty much rocks.
Then there is my bar. I love who I work for, they rock so hard. Love them! But the bar used to be a really, really bad bar. Like the last owner was a huge coke head and never had liquor on the shelves. People used to buy their own bottles and bring them in. People are still afraid of the bar. But it's getting better, we have a great crowd that does come in, we put on great events and have an amazing (and mostly friendly) staff. But because of the history of the bar we still get a lot of unsavory characters that think it's the old bar. Cut to last night:
I come in at 8, the other bartender leaves. The bar was fairly full, the crowd was mostly too drunk already. I had this kid who I've never seen giving me attitude about me serving him and his friends first and how I should know him and whatnot. But he did drunkenly tip me $30 or more twice so that "I'd take care of him". Whatever. Then I've got the whiniest lady playing pulltabs, and wants more every time I turn around. She wins big ($250) twice and tips me shit. Thank. Before 9, all of the dirty dish area was full and overflowing. It was stupid busy. But as the night progressed, most of the day drunks left and my friends came in. It got better, stayed just where I could handle it without my second on, which means more money for me. Wee! Towards the end of the night I had to kick two people out. An elderly woman, probably 60's, and a man probably in his late 40's. They were both too drunk and I needed to get them out of the bar. The man got outraged and refused to sign his credit card slip. I was nice, I tried to explain several times to him what was up. He still refused so I 86'd him and told him to never come back. Now the lady had earlier drunkenly told me she lost her purse and jacket. And she'd call the cops if she didn't find it. After telling her it wasn't in our bar a million times, I get her to go outside. Five minutes later, she's back. My backup bartender handles her this time and she informs him that she's a greeter at walmart and he's not allowed in there! Holy crap, that's the best thing I've ever heard. I wish I got 86'd from walmart by a drunk grandma! The rest of the night was pretty normal, get everyone paid up and out, move chairs, do dishes, etc.
Here's were Shift from Hell turns into Night of You Have to be Fucking Kidding Me. So after my shift from hell, I just want to go home and sleep. Slight problem, we just moved into a new apartment and only have ONE set of keys. Usually I have them since I work late. But Sarah wanted to go out drinking and she had the keys. She texted me a little before bar close and said to call when I was done and she'd let me in. Cut to 4:30 AM, by the way is as light as 3PM on an overcast day up here in AK. I get done, call her, no answer. Shit. Call, no answer, repeat about a million times. So I go to the outer apartment doors, hoping they'd be unlocked, nope. I walk up around the whole building to get to our window (we sort of look over a parking lot but there's an old stairwell that prevents you from actually getting to our windows) and throw rocks at the window while calling her. I can hear her phone ringing inside. Still no answer. I contemplate scaling the wall to get to my window, but decide against it. So I go back to the bar and watch tv for a while. I love lucy and dog shows at 5Am, awesome. All the while calling and calling and calling. Oh and my phone is going to die soon too. Finally around 6Am I go back to the apartment doors figuring someone has to leave the building. I get let it and head to my apartment. I knock, loudly. I can hear her snoring! And she still won't wake up. I call her, pound on the door, call her. Nothing. Now I'm just done. I sit down in the hallway and start crying. I totally lost it. Then I get the bright idea to use a card to jimmy the door open. And it works in a second. But I'm still upset when I'm inside, still crying. And she still. doesn't. wake. up. What if it had been a fire? That's all I have to ask!
Now I have to go get supplies and set up for a birthday party for a boss at the bar. Let see how tonight goes!
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