In the last two weeks two very close friends have told me they're expecting. And not a letter. I'm incredibly happy for both of them. One, my best friend, has had a not so smooth relationship with her boyfriend and they weren't actively trying ttc. But they did and they're very happy about it. My other friend just told me yesterday that his girlfriend is pregnant. I don't know how intentional it was, but I know that he's wanted children forever. I am super excited about it.
But at the same time, it's so strange. My circle of friends is always changing, that's just life. But now it is really changing. Did I mention I have a friend who is due in about two months? I'm afraid it will create a seperation between me and my friends. That there will now always be a hidden distance between us.
I'm most afraid about this regarding my best friend. When I left my ex and moved back home, she and I started hanging out. We were both in fun but very unhealthy parts of our lives. It was great, partying and acting irresponsible. And over the years we've both calmed down, grown up, whatnot. We are both in relationships, so that already changes the dynamic of our friendship. It's not what are we (me and her) doing? It's what do we all want to do (me, her and our others)? Or we spend time with our others. Which makes total sense and I'm fine with it.
But now that she's going to be a mom, I don't know if we will have our same friendship (or even something close to it) and that's hard. I love kids, wanted kids for years, still kind of want them. But it will be different, her having the responsibility of another life. And me not. The hollow slight jealously of her having what I want and can't have.
I wanted kids for such a long time, tried pretty damn hard to get them, but never did. When I left the ex, I didn't want them anymore. I was fairly disillusioned about everything. But over the last 8 or so months I have been going back and forth on the issue. I've feel like I've found someone that I would want to have children with. And at times it seems like she wants the same thing. Which makes it even harder. The refound hope hurts worse than not having any. One day it's great and the next day I feel like we won't make it through the night. The real problem is that I keep all of this inside my head. I'm not a very talkative person when I should be. I have the hardest time opening my mouth and speaking when I should. So I go through these ups and downs kind of alone. With her left wondering what the hell is going on.
If it seems that I am in one of the "want baby" phases, it's not really true. Because I have hope and faith in our relationship, I always want children in the back of my head. But having all of these pregnancies around me isn't making it any worse.
What does sort of make me sad is that we don't have the option of "not really trying ttc", it just happening and us dealing with it. I know we're not ready at this stage for that even if it could happen. But that it can NEVER happen is just so frustrating. When, if, we get to that stage of trying, we will go through what so many others already have, the charts and pills and syringes and waiting. The hope and crush. I don't know if I can do that. Ever. I just don't know. I've read what a strain it is to try, I don't know if I could survive it. If we could survive it. Surely not now, but maybe not even in the future. I feel like it would rip us apart, and that's obviously not what's intended. And well that doesn't really give me a lot of hope. And there it is again the pain of hope mixed with the lack of.
It's so hard for me to explain what I want because I often want very conflicting things at the same time. It's hard for me to understand myself, forget others trying. I guess the core of what I want is to be happy and to make who I love happy. And to figure out how the hell to do both.
Just a blog about a girl. And her wife. And life without gluten or animal products. And dreams of gaybies.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Haines Fair Recap
I've lived in Alaska close to my whole life. Mostly in Juneau. Since being old enough to have a job, I have. I quickly got into tourism because that's where the real money is. This is my first summer in about a decade that I haven't worked a 60hr work week for some tourism company. Hence me being able to enjoy my summer and go camping and whatnot. Because I am not working such a rigid schedule I was able to go to the Haines Fair for the first time.
We started planning this months ago and more and more of our friends were able to go. So it ended up being about 10 or so people going up together and camping. It was pretty much the entire rendez-crew, minus one or two.
The week leading up to the fair was super busy. I filled in two day shifts at the knife shop and filled in an evening shift at the bar. And we had the Buoy Tender Roundup in town. Coasties always make it busy. Then Thursday we had the best band ever play at the bar. They're called the Sugar Shakers, they're rockabilly and just damn amazing. So we all fell in love with them Thursday night at the bar. Turns out they were on standby to take our ferry up to Haines the next morning. And they made it, yeah! So on to the fair:
We left at 8:00am Friday, promptly got beers from the food place on board.
Got into Haines and wrangled a ride from a shuttle. I think we fit about 13 people in a van that should probably hold 8. Plus camping gear. We got to the camp site and were already practically soaked. We went on a search for tarps and I bought the coolest bright yellow rainsuit ever. I looked like a walking banana condom. But I was dry so there! After setting up camp, we walked towards town as directed by a local when we asked where the fair was. I'm pretty sure half if not more of Haines hates the fair and all the outsiders it brings. We walked to town, no fair, so we start walking down another road. Finally see a sign that says Dalton City (the set they filmed White Fang on), and then finally found the fair. After making a hugely unnecessary loop in the pouring rain. But I was still dry.
We got there, walked around, ate tasty food, listened to music, drank local beer, went back to town to the bars. The first bar was the Pioneer, they had accoustic tiling for the ceilings, but people had drawn all over them. It was pretty cool. Then we went to the Fogcutter. I really like that bar. For one, you could smoke there! And tied for second, they had fresh self serve popcorn and a jukebox. We stayed for quite a while. Hell why not? It was warm, dry and we weren't sitting on rocks. We finally made our way back to the campsite and chilled for the evening. In the rain, yes it never stopped raining.
The next day, after sleeping on some awesome rocks, I awoke to sun?! It was a little cloudy but the sun was really shining. I have a theory that the tourist hating locals can control the weather. The first day I got there I bought that awesome rainsuit, the next day I had to buy sunglasses (I have no idea where mine are anyway), they just want to squeeze all of our money out of us.
We watched a very pathetic but fun parade and then headed back to the pioneer bar to meet up with other Juneauites. After the strongest kamikaze ever we headed back to the fair.
Sarah and I both got sweet Haines Brewery sweatshirts. Then I promply bought an awesome wool cardigan. And then she wanted one. We should never shop together. It was a fun day not wearing my yellow embarassment of pants and jacket and listening to really good music. Once we got back to the camp, I realized I had set down my brand fucking new $30 sunglasses. Mother effer. Never found them. I went back the next day but no dice.
On Sunday, we packed everything up and went to the fair for the last time. Our new favorite band, the sugar shakers were playing at 2. We had to leave by 3 at the latest. But we were able to hear them and sort of get a picture with them. We took the shuttle to the ferry and this time there were only four people in it, much more comfortable. The ferry ride back was really calm, we were all exhausted. The sugar shakers were on our ferry so we pestered them occasionally.
We got back to Juneau, no ticket on the car (we parked in 15 minute parking), and headed to eat greasy breakfast food at 7:30pm. On the way back into town we saw our friends car pulled over. They had something wrong with the engine not giving enough power. Another of our friends pulled over and we got them going and followed until they couldn't go any further. Then we pushed the car into a sorta safe place to leave it overnight. Then we finally got to eat greasy breakfast food.
Then we finally went home and I got to shower. Oh my it's never felt so good! My body was so sore. I'm pretty certain it's never been that sore before. But it was so much fun, totally worth it.
Some of the random highlights or phrases from the trip (take them with a grain of salt, they're only meant to be funny):
"Splittin' stamps y'all"
"Eat the powdered one!" (spoke in mickey mouse voice)
Zac beating up an old gray haired guy at a concert because he wouldn't stop grinding on him and he tripped Zac.
"You're lucky you're not pregnant or I'd punch your face in"
Every day we had a PeeWee Herman word of the day, we screamed everytime it was said. I think it was dvda, chapped, snatch, come, there might have been another one in there.
I know nothing I type can show just how ridiculously fun the weekend was, but it was! The effing end.
We started planning this months ago and more and more of our friends were able to go. So it ended up being about 10 or so people going up together and camping. It was pretty much the entire rendez-crew, minus one or two.
The week leading up to the fair was super busy. I filled in two day shifts at the knife shop and filled in an evening shift at the bar. And we had the Buoy Tender Roundup in town. Coasties always make it busy. Then Thursday we had the best band ever play at the bar. They're called the Sugar Shakers, they're rockabilly and just damn amazing. So we all fell in love with them Thursday night at the bar. Turns out they were on standby to take our ferry up to Haines the next morning. And they made it, yeah! So on to the fair:
We left at 8:00am Friday, promptly got beers from the food place on board.
Got into Haines and wrangled a ride from a shuttle. I think we fit about 13 people in a van that should probably hold 8. Plus camping gear. We got to the camp site and were already practically soaked. We went on a search for tarps and I bought the coolest bright yellow rainsuit ever. I looked like a walking banana condom. But I was dry so there! After setting up camp, we walked towards town as directed by a local when we asked where the fair was. I'm pretty sure half if not more of Haines hates the fair and all the outsiders it brings. We walked to town, no fair, so we start walking down another road. Finally see a sign that says Dalton City (the set they filmed White Fang on), and then finally found the fair. After making a hugely unnecessary loop in the pouring rain. But I was still dry.
We got there, walked around, ate tasty food, listened to music, drank local beer, went back to town to the bars. The first bar was the Pioneer, they had accoustic tiling for the ceilings, but people had drawn all over them. It was pretty cool. Then we went to the Fogcutter. I really like that bar. For one, you could smoke there! And tied for second, they had fresh self serve popcorn and a jukebox. We stayed for quite a while. Hell why not? It was warm, dry and we weren't sitting on rocks. We finally made our way back to the campsite and chilled for the evening. In the rain, yes it never stopped raining.
The next day, after sleeping on some awesome rocks, I awoke to sun?! It was a little cloudy but the sun was really shining. I have a theory that the tourist hating locals can control the weather. The first day I got there I bought that awesome rainsuit, the next day I had to buy sunglasses (I have no idea where mine are anyway), they just want to squeeze all of our money out of us.
We watched a very pathetic but fun parade and then headed back to the pioneer bar to meet up with other Juneauites. After the strongest kamikaze ever we headed back to the fair.
Sarah and I both got sweet Haines Brewery sweatshirts. Then I promply bought an awesome wool cardigan. And then she wanted one. We should never shop together. It was a fun day not wearing my yellow embarassment of pants and jacket and listening to really good music. Once we got back to the camp, I realized I had set down my brand fucking new $30 sunglasses. Mother effer. Never found them. I went back the next day but no dice.
On Sunday, we packed everything up and went to the fair for the last time. Our new favorite band, the sugar shakers were playing at 2. We had to leave by 3 at the latest. But we were able to hear them and sort of get a picture with them. We took the shuttle to the ferry and this time there were only four people in it, much more comfortable. The ferry ride back was really calm, we were all exhausted. The sugar shakers were on our ferry so we pestered them occasionally.
We got back to Juneau, no ticket on the car (we parked in 15 minute parking), and headed to eat greasy breakfast food at 7:30pm. On the way back into town we saw our friends car pulled over. They had something wrong with the engine not giving enough power. Another of our friends pulled over and we got them going and followed until they couldn't go any further. Then we pushed the car into a sorta safe place to leave it overnight. Then we finally got to eat greasy breakfast food.
Then we finally went home and I got to shower. Oh my it's never felt so good! My body was so sore. I'm pretty certain it's never been that sore before. But it was so much fun, totally worth it.
Some of the random highlights or phrases from the trip (take them with a grain of salt, they're only meant to be funny):
"Splittin' stamps y'all"
"Eat the powdered one!" (spoke in mickey mouse voice)
Zac beating up an old gray haired guy at a concert because he wouldn't stop grinding on him and he tripped Zac.
"You're lucky you're not pregnant or I'd punch your face in"
Every day we had a PeeWee Herman word of the day, we screamed everytime it was said. I think it was dvda, chapped, snatch, come, there might have been another one in there.
I know nothing I type can show just how ridiculously fun the weekend was, but it was! The effing end.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Lazy Camping
So I decided that I would give up my Friday night shifts so that we can go camping. And we actually did! Sarah, Zac and Lee and I went out to the Mendenhall campgrounds. It's such a wussy way to camp. Our site was right across from bathrooms. Seriously, wussy. But on the other side of our campsite, through some trees was Mendenhall lake with an amazing view of the glacier. It was so beautiful. We walked along the shore after we set up the tents and before we got down to the business of hot dogs and alcohol. It was so serene. The campground is away from where the tourists get bussed to, so there was no one around. And it was overcast which actually makes the glacier much more impressive looking. Sarah took a ton of pics but we realized she lent her card reader to someone, so I can't upload any of them yet.
Once we had thoroughly appreciated nature, we sat around the fire and cooked hotdogs and drank Rainier. It's pretty much the law that if you go camping (or to a bonfire) in Alaska, you better be drinking Rainier. I don't really like beer, but I made it through at least four before I switched to vodka.
Sarah brought her hammock that a friend sent her. We found what looked like the smallest trees around and set it up. And they never broke. It was so fun. I want to find a way to hang it in our apartment. But Zac was the one who really loved the hammock, he looked like a baby in a wind up swing. All smiles and gassy:)
As the night progressed, I started drinking Absolut vanilla and coke. So damn good. It tastes like vanilla coke you get at dennys. But chock full oh alcohol. Lee and Zac started drinking Crown. It sorta started sprinkling, but as we were drinking more, we cared less and less. We finally decided to go to sleep when we were running out of wood. Sarah put the food in the Jeep, lest any bears wander through our site.
It was the first time we got to use Sarah's new tent. And it's thoroughly broken in. But it's not the best tent for Alaska, I'm just gonna say that. When I woke up at 5 because it was damn light out, my shoes and sweatshirt that were inside the tent, were wet. The rain fly, yeeeah, didn't really work that well. But my stuff wasn't too wet, just sort of damp. Once I woke up I was sore and grumpy and couldn't get back to bed. So I tried to sleep in the Jeep and ended up reading playboy.
When Lee woke up, she realized she had left her purse on the ground by the fire. She never leaves her purse anywhere. Never. But hey it's raining, let's leave it outside. Oh and she left her shoes outside her tent, so they were soaked. She ended up putting plastic bags over her feet so she could wear them. It was fucking hilarious. I had a hangover headache and it hurt so bad to laugh, but I couldn't stop.
We made one last fire, burned all our trash and roasted donuts (delish!) and then packed it all in and headed home. The bed has never felt so good, we slept all day. Seriously.
Then we went to Costco and Walmart and spent a million dollars on food. No really, we spent sooo much. But we haven't been shopping in weeks, so it was necessary.
Now I'm gonna go enjoy Sarah's special spaghetti. It smells amazing, I'm pretty excited about it.
Once we had thoroughly appreciated nature, we sat around the fire and cooked hotdogs and drank Rainier. It's pretty much the law that if you go camping (or to a bonfire) in Alaska, you better be drinking Rainier. I don't really like beer, but I made it through at least four before I switched to vodka.
Sarah brought her hammock that a friend sent her. We found what looked like the smallest trees around and set it up. And they never broke. It was so fun. I want to find a way to hang it in our apartment. But Zac was the one who really loved the hammock, he looked like a baby in a wind up swing. All smiles and gassy:)
As the night progressed, I started drinking Absolut vanilla and coke. So damn good. It tastes like vanilla coke you get at dennys. But chock full oh alcohol. Lee and Zac started drinking Crown. It sorta started sprinkling, but as we were drinking more, we cared less and less. We finally decided to go to sleep when we were running out of wood. Sarah put the food in the Jeep, lest any bears wander through our site.
It was the first time we got to use Sarah's new tent. And it's thoroughly broken in. But it's not the best tent for Alaska, I'm just gonna say that. When I woke up at 5 because it was damn light out, my shoes and sweatshirt that were inside the tent, were wet. The rain fly, yeeeah, didn't really work that well. But my stuff wasn't too wet, just sort of damp. Once I woke up I was sore and grumpy and couldn't get back to bed. So I tried to sleep in the Jeep and ended up reading playboy.
When Lee woke up, she realized she had left her purse on the ground by the fire. She never leaves her purse anywhere. Never. But hey it's raining, let's leave it outside. Oh and she left her shoes outside her tent, so they were soaked. She ended up putting plastic bags over her feet so she could wear them. It was fucking hilarious. I had a hangover headache and it hurt so bad to laugh, but I couldn't stop.
We made one last fire, burned all our trash and roasted donuts (delish!) and then packed it all in and headed home. The bed has never felt so good, we slept all day. Seriously.
Then we went to Costco and Walmart and spent a million dollars on food. No really, we spent sooo much. But we haven't been shopping in weeks, so it was necessary.
Now I'm gonna go enjoy Sarah's special spaghetti. It smells amazing, I'm pretty excited about it.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Weekend Update Sans Tina Fey
This weekend was spectacular. The third turned out to not be so bad. Just another super busy night. It was actually better because at midnight, the bar cleared out for the fireworks. So we had time to stock liquor, change, eat a hot dog, before the rush came back. And came back it did! But at the end of the night, we all clocked out at 3:13. The bar closed at 3:00, it was amazing. But it was cause we had so many people working at close. And our doorman showed up after saying he wasn't going to, so that was good.
We got up around ten the next moring for the parade. Harmonie came down and we got a great spot in front of the imperial. The parade was good, kind of spread out, but fun. There was tons of huge mining machines because of some measure on the upcoming ballot. There was this huge truck that could make itself "wiggle", I loved it.
After the parade, Harmonie went home to ride over to Douglas with Mark, and Sarah and I walked. Now we don't walk much usually. But on the 4th there are soooo many cars heading to Douglas, it makes no sense to drive. So as we're walking we see cars heading over. And I just wish someone we knew would drive by so we could get a ride. But by about half way, we're passing the cars that passed us. It took us an hour to walk it. It probably would have taken at least another half hour to drive and then who knows how long to find somewhere to park.
Once we got there we had Harmonie's parents BBQ. Which is so damn good, they go to Memphis in May every year and win awards. It's damn tasty. Then we walked around and ran into friends. Watched a dog frisbee contest that was really fun. It was cute to see the old dogs try their best.
We got a ride back to town with some friends and played wii at their house. Or should I say, I sat and drank beer and watched them play. Then I had to work. Worse fucking day to work ever. It wasn't busy when I got there, I think everyone was still at the beach or house parties. But the people that were in the bar, none of them should have been served. I got swore at twice, flipped off once, it was stupid. It never really got that busy. But I got to work with Sevanni, who is the funnest dirtiest girl you will ever meet, so that made it worth it.
Saturday I finally had a day off. I had a not fun, but necessary talk with Sarah, then we went for a drive out in the valley. Over $40 dollars and not a full tank in her Jeep Liberty! Jesus Christ! What a bunch of shit! But it's so fun to drive around with her, it's worth it. We came back downtown to listen to Wisconsin Slim play at the Rendezvous. I really wanted to get drunk because I hadn't had a chance to really have fun over the holiday weekend. And we did. Once we started ordering shots:) We danced, which we just haven't had a chance to do in forever. It was so fantastic. As was the amazing drunk sex we had after bar close:)
The next morning, Sunday, I had to work at 8AM. I'm pretty sure I was still drunk. I haven't done that in a really long time. But I had some fun customers and a strong bloody mary, so that helped me get through the day. After work, Sarah had planned on us drinking in the Valley with some friends. The Valley as it's called is just another part of Juneau, about 12 miles from downtown. But we never go out there. Especially to drink, since we can walk 12 feet from our apartment and hit a bar. But since she just got her jeep, we were more motivated. So after I got off at two we drove all the way to Auke Bay and had some beers at Squires. She used to drink there all the time when she worked at Allen Marine. They played darts, I watched and drank. Then we went to the Sandbar, which has not only the best fried food in town but also shuffleboard! I looove shuffleboard and it's the only place in town that has it. I did play that, and I beat Sarah. She wasn't very happy about it. Apparently she's a sore loser. But I'm much worse, so it's good I won. Then we headed to GW Teals. I've only been there once before, but I love the layout and feel of it. No one else had been there before and they were very impressed. I decided once I become a "real" bartender that I want to work out there. After cheap, but good drinks we came back downtown.
Sarah was supposed to go to a going away party for her friend at the Alaskan. But before that we decided to go home and watch a movie. We never made it back out. We watched Puccini for Beginners. I highly recommend it. It has Gretchen Mol in it, and the uncle from Weeds, I can't remember his name. It was really good. Basically this girl gets dumped by her girlfriend and is sad. Meets uncle from weeds and hooks up with him. Then mets gretchen mol, who is his ex, and starts dating her too. It's tons of fun sex until she realizes they are ex's. Rent it!
And that was my weekend, not in a nutshell.
Monday was super slow at the bar. I made 6 damn dollars in tips. And then stayed there until 11PM hanging out with friends and watching 300 on the big screen.
I worked today, which should have been my day off because I am going camping Friday. I had some awesomely fun tourists in and it made it worth it. And it made up for my shitty tip day yesterday.
Tonight I think we are finally going to see Wanted. I heard it's pretty awesome, so I hope we do decide to go. I'll give a full review if I do:) Later gaters.
We got up around ten the next moring for the parade. Harmonie came down and we got a great spot in front of the imperial. The parade was good, kind of spread out, but fun. There was tons of huge mining machines because of some measure on the upcoming ballot. There was this huge truck that could make itself "wiggle", I loved it.
After the parade, Harmonie went home to ride over to Douglas with Mark, and Sarah and I walked. Now we don't walk much usually. But on the 4th there are soooo many cars heading to Douglas, it makes no sense to drive. So as we're walking we see cars heading over. And I just wish someone we knew would drive by so we could get a ride. But by about half way, we're passing the cars that passed us. It took us an hour to walk it. It probably would have taken at least another half hour to drive and then who knows how long to find somewhere to park.
Once we got there we had Harmonie's parents BBQ. Which is so damn good, they go to Memphis in May every year and win awards. It's damn tasty. Then we walked around and ran into friends. Watched a dog frisbee contest that was really fun. It was cute to see the old dogs try their best.
We got a ride back to town with some friends and played wii at their house. Or should I say, I sat and drank beer and watched them play. Then I had to work. Worse fucking day to work ever. It wasn't busy when I got there, I think everyone was still at the beach or house parties. But the people that were in the bar, none of them should have been served. I got swore at twice, flipped off once, it was stupid. It never really got that busy. But I got to work with Sevanni, who is the funnest dirtiest girl you will ever meet, so that made it worth it.
Saturday I finally had a day off. I had a not fun, but necessary talk with Sarah, then we went for a drive out in the valley. Over $40 dollars and not a full tank in her Jeep Liberty! Jesus Christ! What a bunch of shit! But it's so fun to drive around with her, it's worth it. We came back downtown to listen to Wisconsin Slim play at the Rendezvous. I really wanted to get drunk because I hadn't had a chance to really have fun over the holiday weekend. And we did. Once we started ordering shots:) We danced, which we just haven't had a chance to do in forever. It was so fantastic. As was the amazing drunk sex we had after bar close:)
The next morning, Sunday, I had to work at 8AM. I'm pretty sure I was still drunk. I haven't done that in a really long time. But I had some fun customers and a strong bloody mary, so that helped me get through the day. After work, Sarah had planned on us drinking in the Valley with some friends. The Valley as it's called is just another part of Juneau, about 12 miles from downtown. But we never go out there. Especially to drink, since we can walk 12 feet from our apartment and hit a bar. But since she just got her jeep, we were more motivated. So after I got off at two we drove all the way to Auke Bay and had some beers at Squires. She used to drink there all the time when she worked at Allen Marine. They played darts, I watched and drank. Then we went to the Sandbar, which has not only the best fried food in town but also shuffleboard! I looove shuffleboard and it's the only place in town that has it. I did play that, and I beat Sarah. She wasn't very happy about it. Apparently she's a sore loser. But I'm much worse, so it's good I won. Then we headed to GW Teals. I've only been there once before, but I love the layout and feel of it. No one else had been there before and they were very impressed. I decided once I become a "real" bartender that I want to work out there. After cheap, but good drinks we came back downtown.
Sarah was supposed to go to a going away party for her friend at the Alaskan. But before that we decided to go home and watch a movie. We never made it back out. We watched Puccini for Beginners. I highly recommend it. It has Gretchen Mol in it, and the uncle from Weeds, I can't remember his name. It was really good. Basically this girl gets dumped by her girlfriend and is sad. Meets uncle from weeds and hooks up with him. Then mets gretchen mol, who is his ex, and starts dating her too. It's tons of fun sex until she realizes they are ex's. Rent it!
And that was my weekend, not in a nutshell.
Monday was super slow at the bar. I made 6 damn dollars in tips. And then stayed there until 11PM hanging out with friends and watching 300 on the big screen.
I worked today, which should have been my day off because I am going camping Friday. I had some awesomely fun tourists in and it made it worth it. And it made up for my shitty tip day yesterday.
Tonight I think we are finally going to see Wanted. I heard it's pretty awesome, so I hope we do decide to go. I'll give a full review if I do:) Later gaters.
drunken foolishness,
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I need to write more
I should have written the day after the burlesque show. Which was AMAZING! Holy crap, it was so sweet. The main chick, Dolphina was alright, hot and everything. But not spectacular. It was way cooler to see so many local girls of all shapes, sizes and ages dancing in not very much. It was hard not to drool in drinks as I made them. The other bartender and I decided that she has to come back and do it again, this time with us not working. The rendez-crew had the best seats in the house, right up near the stage. Sarah says she saw nipple. Lucky.
Tonight is the big "drink till ya puke in celebration of our freedom" night. I'm still kind of nervous. I know it will be fine. Absolutely fine. It will be busy and messy and hectic. Then it'll be over. And I'll walk with hopefully a decent wad in my pocket. But we will have on 4 bartenders, so the split might not be as big. But fuck it, it's gonna be fun. And tomorrow if I can drag my ass out of bed, Sarah and I just have to walk about ten feet to watch the parade.
When her parents shipped up her Jeep, they left some camp chairs in the back. So we don't even have to sit on the curb. I'm pretty excited. I love getting all the promo shit they hand out, that I will never have a need for. And the ten tons of taffy that I don't even like.
Then we are heading to Sandy Beach for the real party and some of Harmonie's parents delish bbq. Mmm, ginormous turkey legs. And then I have to work again Friday night. But I doubt that will be quite as busy. But it should be good too.
Then Saturday, again if able to drag myself and Sarah out of bed, we are gonna hike Nugget Falls. Yeaaah! I'm so excited. I don't know when I was on a trail last. Way too long. And I've never hiked over to Nugget Falls, I've been close enough to see it from the East Glacier Trail, but never next to it. I hope we actually end up doing it. And maybe, if it wasn't pissing rain, that'd be nice too.
Tonight is the big "drink till ya puke in celebration of our freedom" night. I'm still kind of nervous. I know it will be fine. Absolutely fine. It will be busy and messy and hectic. Then it'll be over. And I'll walk with hopefully a decent wad in my pocket. But we will have on 4 bartenders, so the split might not be as big. But fuck it, it's gonna be fun. And tomorrow if I can drag my ass out of bed, Sarah and I just have to walk about ten feet to watch the parade.
When her parents shipped up her Jeep, they left some camp chairs in the back. So we don't even have to sit on the curb. I'm pretty excited. I love getting all the promo shit they hand out, that I will never have a need for. And the ten tons of taffy that I don't even like.
Then we are heading to Sandy Beach for the real party and some of Harmonie's parents delish bbq. Mmm, ginormous turkey legs. And then I have to work again Friday night. But I doubt that will be quite as busy. But it should be good too.
Then Saturday, again if able to drag myself and Sarah out of bed, we are gonna hike Nugget Falls. Yeaaah! I'm so excited. I don't know when I was on a trail last. Way too long. And I've never hiked over to Nugget Falls, I've been close enough to see it from the East Glacier Trail, but never next to it. I hope we actually end up doing it. And maybe, if it wasn't pissing rain, that'd be nice too.
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