So I decided that I would give up my Friday night shifts so that we can go camping. And we actually did! Sarah, Zac and Lee and I went out to the Mendenhall campgrounds. It's such a wussy way to camp. Our site was right across from bathrooms. Seriously, wussy. But on the other side of our campsite, through some trees was Mendenhall lake with an amazing view of the glacier. It was so beautiful. We walked along the shore after we set up the tents and before we got down to the business of hot dogs and alcohol. It was so serene. The campground is away from where the tourists get bussed to, so there was no one around. And it was overcast which actually makes the glacier much more impressive looking. Sarah took a ton of pics but we realized she lent her card reader to someone, so I can't upload any of them yet.
Once we had thoroughly appreciated nature, we sat around the fire and cooked hotdogs and drank Rainier. It's pretty much the law that if you go camping (or to a bonfire) in Alaska, you better be drinking Rainier. I don't really like beer, but I made it through at least four before I switched to vodka.
Sarah brought her hammock that a friend sent her. We found what looked like the smallest trees around and set it up. And they never broke. It was so fun. I want to find a way to hang it in our apartment. But Zac was the one who really loved the hammock, he looked like a baby in a wind up swing. All smiles and gassy:)
As the night progressed, I started drinking Absolut vanilla and coke. So damn good. It tastes like vanilla coke you get at dennys. But chock full oh alcohol. Lee and Zac started drinking Crown. It sorta started sprinkling, but as we were drinking more, we cared less and less. We finally decided to go to sleep when we were running out of wood. Sarah put the food in the Jeep, lest any bears wander through our site.
It was the first time we got to use Sarah's new tent. And it's thoroughly broken in. But it's not the best tent for Alaska, I'm just gonna say that. When I woke up at 5 because it was damn light out, my shoes and sweatshirt that were inside the tent, were wet. The rain fly, yeeeah, didn't really work that well. But my stuff wasn't too wet, just sort of damp. Once I woke up I was sore and grumpy and couldn't get back to bed. So I tried to sleep in the Jeep and ended up reading playboy.
When Lee woke up, she realized she had left her purse on the ground by the fire. She never leaves her purse anywhere. Never. But hey it's raining, let's leave it outside. Oh and she left her shoes outside her tent, so they were soaked. She ended up putting plastic bags over her feet so she could wear them. It was fucking hilarious. I had a hangover headache and it hurt so bad to laugh, but I couldn't stop.
We made one last fire, burned all our trash and roasted donuts (delish!) and then packed it all in and headed home. The bed has never felt so good, we slept all day. Seriously.
Then we went to Costco and Walmart and spent a million dollars on food. No really, we spent sooo much. But we haven't been shopping in weeks, so it was necessary.
Now I'm gonna go enjoy Sarah's special spaghetti. It smells amazing, I'm pretty excited about it.
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