Sooo I just got to meet the creator of at her book signing. It rocked. We got there early and it was a good thing cause apparently the Pacific Northwest loves some dooce. She read some passages from her book and then did q & a. We decided we would leaving towards the end of the q & a so we could be towards the start of the book signing line. Well sis's boyfriend decides to go up and ask her a question. Or rather make a statement. He said basically, No offense but before now I had never heard of you. I'm here with my girlfriend who is 5 months pregnant and her sister from Alaska who wanted to come. But you just scared the shit out of me. (She had read a passage about it taking her 7 months to get back in the saddle after having her baby.) Which got a huge laugh out of the crowd and made J and I thoroughly embarrassed. And then we couldn't make our sneak away plan because people looked at us when he sat back down.
We did manage to leave when the questions turned creepy, ie someone giving her a handmade vajayjay coin purse and some lady hawking a board game she invented. So I went out to smoke and J saved me a place in line. We didn't have to wait too long but it was long enough for me to pick out a book by Augustine Burroughs. Then she was done and the line moved and she signed my book. And I got a pic with her, extra bonus. I said, I'm the sister from Alaska. And she laughed and then the book store handler nazi cattle prodded me and I was swept out the door. Very much like in A Christmas Story when he visits Santa and asks for a football. Football? Football? I don't even play football. But I didn't climb back up the slide as I didn't have anything profound to say. But I did get my book autographed and that was darn good enough for me.
Then we went to Babies R Us. Amazingly enough, no babies for sale. Fucking liars. But they did get a diaper bag and some other baby stuff. You know what they sell there? Other than baby stuff you goob. Nintendo DS. And apparently iPod's, but those I didn't see. I guess it would be intended for moms on bed rest. Or something. Anyway, I found it kind of funny. But not as funny as filtered water in those little cardboard juice containers. Mmm waxy cardboard flavored tepid water. Adios Dasani! And then I was over babied and started feeling weird. Luckily we were done. And here I am in a baby free zone.
Oh on the subject of babies. I did finish my picture for "Jackson", apparently that is the name they're going with. I like it, the name. And the picture. I added a little dude next to a tree and a quote that says something about remember the earth longs to feel you feet and the wind to blow through your hair. Something like that by some guy whose name I can't remember. And I added stars and glittery nail polish to the twilight area. It looks cooler than that sounds I swear.
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