Sooo I bought a ticket to Sitka for next weekend. In my hurry to get out of town I bought a plane ticket. And it wasn't until after I bought it I realized I could have spent $200 less and bought a ferry ticket. And then V decided she wants to come with me. So yesterday I changed my Sitka ticket into a ticket to Anchorage in October. Then I bought ferry tickets for me and V. So now we are both going to Sitka and one way or another I'm going to Anchorage in October. The October plan is to fly to Anch and from there I can fly to the East Coast and visit my mom and g'mom. Then fly to Seattle and see my sis, then fly back to Anch and then back to Juneau. If the summer keeps going as it has, I will have someone to travel with as well. Then the East Coast part will become a mini road trip. If not, then just chilling with my mom. Either way I'm getting out of this town!
As much as it sucks, going through the summer in two week increments really helps the time go by quicker. And speaking of two weeks, this round is almost over! So excited for Saturday! If the weather stays nice, V and I are hiking out to Dupont at like 6AM. I hope it's still nice by then.
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