Cause it looks to me like it's late April and those cruise ships should be headed up the channel in no time. But they'll be here soon enough. Time to enjoy the strangely sunny fair weather of Feb without the waddling tourists. I did enjoy the sun and crazy low fog-cloud-thing hanging over the channel today. Every time I went outside to smoke.
I've had so many things to blog about and they roll back and forth in my head. Trying to decide if they're actually blog worthy. Taking into consideration I've blogged about a virtual panda I've adopted, not much should get turned down. I just keep putting it off until whatever blog fodder seems outdated and then I don't. Like how it would make no sense to blog about going to Las Vegas for the Shot Show. Meh that was like years, ok 3-4 weeks, ago.
Trip in a nutshell: I twisted my ankle two days before I left. Fog delayed leaving town by half a day. Got to eat at 13 Coins, LOVE it. Walked about a zillion miles across the Sands convention center looking at knives and guns and grip and grinning with vendors. Filled my bag with knife swag. Played slots. Drank. Went to huge porn shop. Played more slots. Drank even more. Ate sushi with mango. Did I mention drank? Started smoking again, damn casinos. Rained the entire time, never got wet, gotta love parking garages. Realized I have a fear of parking garages. Shoved my carry on full, had to leave free knives. Flew to Seattle for the night. Hit another convention. Went out to drink, err I mean, eat. Went to two gay bars. Danced my ass off despite my twisted ankle. Came home. The end.
Maybe I should always blog like that. Much more efficient. Or something. Ooh crappy, that's it, much more crappy :) Let's see what else? We hosted a tattoo and piercing competition at the bar. That was cool. It was great to see so many different amazing tattoos. And most of them were on old ass gnarly bikers which made it even sweeter. It was a good turn out. The bar was supposed to be done being renovated for the party, but it is the bar. So liiiike half of it was done. But it's a start and it's really looking good. Way less piss smell.
Then there was the Super Bowl. My job was to cocktail but I mostly wandered around pulling off a 24oz heiny trying to get people to drink or buy shots and giving away raffle prizes. So at the end of it I had had a bagazillion drinks and not much food. That equated to me going to a friends boat, I do remember looking down the boat stairs...and falling down them. Nice cut on my hand, awesome sobbing on my part, friend luckily sober enough to drive me across the street and up the hill. Woke up to a nice throbbing hand and huge bruises. It wasn't a good day needless to say.
Which leads to Saturday, the next time I went out. I obviously needed a break after that super Sunday and had a week to dry out until Sevanni's bday. So I got all hotted up, gotta say I think my make up was extra smoky eyed and fierce. Added a sweet blonde streaky thing to my hair. It was good, it was all good. Went out and just got stupid. It was dumb. Not as bad as super bowl but still just plain lame. Which leads up to the real meat of this blog post. I quit drinking.
Forever? Doubtful, but who knows? What I do know is that this winter has been mostly shitty. A lot of it has been beyond my control but a good amount of it has been made worse by me. And drinking, ever the depressant it is, isn't helping. And I have the awe inspiring talent of being able to drink considerable amounts of booze and still "function". I'm sure it'd be more of a talent if say I was in college and not pushing 30. But as it is, it's not really doing me any favors by being able to down a dozen shots and not care to stop.
In some ways it would be easier if I just couldn't function without a daily drink, if I was a classic alcoholic. At least easier for people to say, dude you need help. I don't know what the future holds and whether or not booze will be a part of it. It definitely freaks me the fuck out to think of never, ever drinking again. But maybe. My goal for now is to just dry out till spring. See where my head is at then and maybe try it out again. But more short term I've been holed up in my apartment working out and watching the Olympics all day. It's kind of all I can do right now. And it's helping. One, I now understand the fine art of curling and kind of want to try it. Two, I've been kicking my ass daily on my elliptical machine and it feels good. It feels effing fantastic. Even when I go outside to enjoy the sunshine and smoke afterwards. Baby steps yo, baby steps.
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