Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pictorial Post

I made soy milk today. Woo effing hoo! I bought a soy milk maker years ago when I was a full on vegan. And used it a bunch. But then moving, not being a vegan, etc, led to it staying in it's box. I'm certainly no vegan but I am tired of extraneous shit in my products. And supporting companies who are owned by companies who are owned by the devil. I'm still not sure of how good soy is for me. It seems you can find a watertight argument on either side. So in the future I do want to experiment with brown rice and almond milk. I was asked why I don't drink regular milk and my immediate answer was, well I'm not a baby cow. The end. The only reason I am even going to the trouble of making "milk" is because I love me some cereal and I want to start baking more. Not because I'm an infant bovine. So here are some pics from the process. Enjoy.

The goods.

Soaked soybeans. Took a damn hour to squeeze them out of their skins, but it makes it taste better.

While the machine was doing it's thing, I had time to have a nice lil snack of leftover moroccan-ish veggies and couscous. YUM.

Tada! Soymilk and Okara, the pulp. It's good in all kinds of stuff. Hopefully I use it.

And a good reason to stay inside and be kitchen crafty.

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