So maybe it's been a while. Six months huh? That is a while! Let's see where my lil life is at...
I am currently gainfully employed by the State of Alaska, title Office Zombie I. Some day if my rational thinking skills degrade enough, I can move up the corporate ladder. It is very, very different from working in the private sector. I at least like some parts of my job (at least I keep telling myself that) and definitely love the security and benefits!
Which is good since I've also had some weird, I don't even know what you'd call it ailment, I guess. I've been sick for months and have no real clues as to what is causing it. It's just great, super fun, lemme tell you! But on the plus side, and yes I know this is vain, being too sick to eat made me drop like 20 lbs. Heck yeah! At least I get something out of it, right?! And it makes me aware of what I eat, so maybe I can get all better and just keep losing weight! Also heck yeah!
I quit smoking. Oh yeah. For reals. I quit October 20th. I have smoked probably a total of 5 cigarettes, either a full bummed one or stolen drags. And pretty much all when drinking, not when stressed. Which to me is a really good thing. I know that I still want to do that when drinking, but I also know I don't really drink much. So if say I want a puff and that's it, then I will do that. But even when drinking I haven't liked it. It's like my brain is so trained to want it, it just does automatically and now it's having to relearn that it doesn't like it. And it's doing damn good job!
My amazing future wife is just that, amazing! I won't say that it's sunshine and roses everyday but that's okay! It's better than that, it's honesty and communication! SO WEIRD! She is really a truly incredible person and I'm a lucky girl. We've decided on Spring / Summer of 2012 for the wedding. Mainly so we have more time to save up for it. We're both on the same page: this is it, let's do it right. The latest wedding plans are looking "ship shape" :) We'll see if they last, it is still a long ways off. But not that far!!
We're looking to add another cat to the fam-damily. Jack is such, such, such a sweetheart. She has become this lovey, adorable cat since we moved into The Palace. But she's also super needy. She meows all the time. Meows because you came home and didn't immediately pet her, meows because she just walked into the room and you didn't immediately look at her, meows because she is staring at the wall... Oh and she often wakes one or both of us up around 5AM. It's usually me because I'm up off and on anyway. And K buries herself way under the covers so Jack's claws can't get to her anymore. And somewhere in our crazy, lesbian minds there is some chemical seeping into our bloodstreams. A chemical that says "Yes, another cat would fix all your current cat problems." And so we are looking for another cat, preferably a kitten. I really think that if Jack is to like a new addition at all it will have to be young. I think she'd just be pissed at us for bringing another adult cat in.
Let's hope another six months don't pass before I post again...
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