Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Seattle Trip Part the deux the 3rd & the IV

So Saturday I didn't wake up with a hangover, I think I just woke up drunk. Awesome. But I never blacked out, so that's a high point. We went to IHOP for brekkie and commented on all the hidious plants and pictures. Turns out they were for sale. Had I been a little drunker when we got there I totally would have bought a huge fake plant to bring to my sister. Lucky for her I wasn't.

After our marginal but fun breakfast we went to Fred's for some pain medicine. The first day out of Juneau and I get to go to one of the only stores we have. Really? But it was fun because there was this super weird lady in the easter section that made it all worth while. I got easter baskets for the kids since I don't have a lot of chances to be the spoiling aunt. Then it was back to my coworker's apartment to wait for my boss' boyfriend. He was way the hell down in Tacoma and the traffic was bad. So we hung out until 2 or so. Then we hit the road and drove up to Bothell. When we were about ten minutes away I started getting all excited because I recognized stuff. I know that coffee hut! I know that burger place, I know that weird casino in the strip mall! She's right around the corner!

Got to J's house, the kids were all playing it cool. Like oh hey, auntie Marguerite, yeah it's cool to see you again. Until I pulled out the baskets and pumped them full of sugar. The best candy was this sucker that had a bunny nose on it. Basically a candy pacifier. So once they opened those they were quiet for like two hours. And ridiculously adorable. Then they started getting more amped up. So I taught them some dance moves every 5 or 7 year old should know. The cabbage patch, the sprinkler, and that one where you put one hand behind your back and one holds up your leg. My nephew rocks socks at doing that one. It was so awesome. They are like little coiled springs.

We went to Target that night because TSA apparently doesn't like electric toothbrushes in luggage. I know I packed it. I think. On the way back I got Taco Bell! Wooo. It was as crappy and delish as I remember.

Sunday the kids went to their dad's so J and I got to go shopping. Well she had to deal with me wanting to look at everything would be more accurate. I may have gone slightly crazy in Seph.ora. Juuuust slightly. We were checking out and the lady signed me up for the beauty points thing and says ok you have 250 points. J says how much is a point? And I say probably a dollar. And yep it was! Holy hell. But I have tons of awesome makeup that will last me forever. Especially because I will keep using my cheap stuff mostly. I'm weird.
We were shopping at the sale section of a store and I saw a striped shirt for ten bucks. And it looked like it could actually fit my fat ass. Good enough for me, I got it. It had small snaps on the shoulder on one side but I didn't think much of it. Well we get home and try on our clothes. I pull the "shirt" out of the bag upside down. And see a crotch. I BOUGHT A JUMPER! So of course I go try it on anyway. Holy hell hilarious. It fits, most of my ass is covered. I just don't see how they marketed it in the first place. We were joking that the check out guy was probably laughing to himself that someone actually bought it. But it's really thin material and I can cut off the crotch and around the lower hem and it will be a cool shirt. But I'm going to wait till I get home so everyone can revel in it's douchebaggery.

Monday was super exciting, what will me being stuck in the suburbs all day. I got to watch several episodes of my favorite Law & Or, SVU. And some show about "make me a supermodel" or some shit like that. But there were naked chicks covered in glitter when I turned it on, so no complaints from me! I also started painting a picture for my unborn unnamed nephew. It's pretty cool, sort of the horizon edge of earth with the sun coming up with twilight above it. I need to add stars and stuff. I'm thinking I will use a glitter pen for that. I think the effect would be cool. But we'll see. I'm not so good at the details. When J came home we got to go to my favorite food store. I could literally live there. The produce is amazing, they have everything on earth. The deli is huge, the cheese selection. It's sort of a health store, but they have regular products there too. And it's huuuuge. I ended up getting the salad bar for dinner. But I couldn't resist some avocados and fresh basil. I just want to wear the basil it smells so good. I think I need to go back for some mozzarella and tomatoes. mmmm. That sounds so good my mouth is watering.

Today I am listening to huge branches fall on the roof. It's super windy but sunny out. I love it. Kind of creepy though when you're in the bathroom and a branch falls on the skylight. Please don't crush me while I'm peeing!
I think I will work on baby's picture for a while. And when J gets of work we get to go to Heather Armstrong's book signing. How awesome is that. I happen to take a random trip to Seattle and this woman who's blog I read is on a book tour and happens to stop in Seattle while I'm here. Rad. I'm way excited.

And that's my trip up to date. Well, I've been getting super strange dreams every night. Like extra weird. I know dreams are always weird, but these take the cake. J says it's her house, she dreamt I was going through all this and was coming to visit a week before I told her, so it could be the house. But I think it's her preggo-ness that makes her psychic. I think the lack of drinking is literally what's doing it. They keep being partially really good and then really bad. And have some repeat characters in them. Weird weird weird, I need a drink :)

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