Saturday, September 12, 2009


Over the last three years or so I've done a great job of incurring a mountain of debt. Oh you bought a house? No. You bought a car? Nope. You, uh, bought groceries and movies and nights at the bar for you and others? That's the one. Nothing like being massively in debt and not actually having anything to show for it. Pure radness. I've been trying to pay them off forever, but something always gets in the way of me making a dent. Such as moving out, transitioning to a new job, etc. I went back to Stabby World specifically to pay off my credit cards. And all summer I really haven't been able to. I've been playing catch up with my rent, that's fun. Oh yeah. But this month I suddenly had a chunk of moola to use (wisely). I was able to pay off my tiny credit card last month, it was under a grand. And then just yesterday I was able to pay off my middle credit card which was several grand. So now I just have one huge momma to pay off. And I was able to put a nice piece of cash towards that too. So I'm back to being broke, but way ahead of the game. Now I only have on card accruing interest, yay! I feel so good! And I was able to pay my bar tab that has been running since about April. Luckily I haven't gone out a ton this summer, but whooo boy it got up there.
So that's the awesomeness that is my life at the moment. That and I have 12, oh yes count em, 12! days left of boats coming into my town! And I have 20 more days until I get to fly outta here and see my sister! I am so effing excited! I can't wait!! Can you tell? I'm just a little excited :) I still don't know where I will be most of my vacation but I will be in SEA for 3 days and then I fly to BOS on Oct 4th and don't return to SEA until Oct 24th and then Juneau Oct 31st. Just in time for Halloween!
Ideally I will spend some time with my Mom (hopefully with Becki there!) in CT, spend some time up in VT with her family, hit MD for the Ray LaMontagne concert and also cruise around Boston with my awesome ice / mountain / top of the world climbing friend. If I sit on my ass in CT with just my Mom for three weeks, oh well at least it'll be different than sitting on my ass here. But hopefully all the fun stuff happens.
Speaking of Becki, today is the last time their boat is in town. And because they aren't picking up passengers tomorrow, they aren't staying over night. Bull shit. Pure bull shit. So I don't know when I get to see her or for how long, so that sucks a big one. And then at the soonest I won't see her for 22 days. If then. Pooop. But whatev's, it's all gonna be fine I know it!
And on that note I think it's time I got outside. Today is my favorite day of the season. The boat doesn't come in until 1pm and it's crisp and kinda sunny out. The perfect day to get a latte, light a smoke and walk on the tranquil empty docks. Ahhh. I love it.

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