I got convinced to help out the good ol' Rendezvous last night. I wasn't planning on bartending until I got back from my trip in November. But they had a band at the bar and two off site gigs at the same time. And I like money. And I made my boss promise that I wouldn't have to set up or break down. I was kinda scared to do it again after so long. But within minutes it felt like home again. It was such a blast. And it was packed! It was a charity event with some band from Anchorage and three opening acts. And the beer proceeds all went to the charity and people could bring whatever size cup for it. Well it was supposed to be 14-16 ozs. Buuuut not so much. There were some ginormous mugs! And at least one full sized nalgene that got filled up a bunch of times. Oh and did I mention it was $4 bucks!? Which was great for all the damn hippies trying to save the ocean and the extra dollar that almost every time went in our tip jar. It was a great lure to make me want to bartend again.
Then I was all ready to drink afterwards. And ran into my bestest that I never see anymore and she convinced me to stay out allll night. Then she and my coworker from the bar came over and we passed out watching movies. Three people on my couch + drunk pass out in weird ball = lots of joint pain and limping for me. Lame. I feel like a gahddamned old lady. And it's my good knee that hurts because of it!
V picked me up this morning to have coffee at her place and entertain her while she cleaned her house. I told her I'd buy if we got real coffee. So we head to Lemon Creek, don't recognize the people working. Checked out the new drive thru by Costco, didn't recognize that person either. So we decide to drive all the way out to the effing valley. It's a Saturday, we have to know someone at Glacier, right?? We see our friends car finally! Because of my gimp-tastic status I ask to go through the drive thru. So we wait for literally 20-25 minutes. Finally a car away and we see that she's not working the window. Fuck my life. We get our coffee and it was so bad. So so so bad. So we drove back downtown to her house and she made good regular coffee.
Then we got to scraping her floor. She is in the process of removing a portion of her carpet that one of her asshole cats has peed all over. The carpet is up but the carpet pad was glued to the concrete floor. It's kind of ridiculously difficult to scrape up. But kinda fun. That's my butch showing through I'd suppose :) Now my arms are like jello. But I have the rest of the day to do nothing if I feel like it. No boats! Woo Hoo! So I'm chilling drinking DC at the Imp, stealing wifi to look up carpet removal tips. Soooo gay. I love it!
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