I am so mother effing excited to almost be unemployed! I have today and tomorrow off because there is no boat either day. And then the last boat comes on Sunday. I have to do payroll on Monday but that should be about it. YAYS! Then just a couple days to try to get ready for my trip and off I go.
So far today has been fantastically lazy and productive. I got to sleep in, watched the best movie ever (I love you man), took a package to the post office and have been soaking up WIFI from the Rondy ever since. I decided to make a sticker for the bar. We need some grass roots advertising. And my laptop needs one. So that's making me feel like I'm actually utilizing some of my creativity that's been going to waste.
And I've been contemplating what I'm going to do for the Alternative Arts thingy in December. I have a month to work on it when I get back. I think I'm gonna paint my lady-quin finally. But we'll see. I'm afraid I will just "not decide" and end up not doing anything. Which is bullshit. This is exactly what I need. To be forced to be creative and produce something that the public will see. Instead of just friends that see my random shit.
I really really wish I had the interweb at my house. It would be way better than sitting in a cold bar. Poo. I might just have to get it this winter. But hell if I know what's going on or even where I'll be this winter. It is the great unknown at the moment. Kinda freaking me out. But kinda the most awesome thing ever. I'll take it!
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