I officially have art in an art show! Waahooo! I really thought it wouldn't happen what with my vacation, moving, and general pussiness. But I pulled it together and did it. Gotta say, it feels great! Maybe this will be the catalyst to keep me going in the direction I should be. I feel so good creating, I just need to do it more. And I have been, what with the not working currently. I have no excuse and plenty (but never enough) supplies and time.
Speaking of supplies, I found a new one to collect all of. Elmer's Painter's Markers. It's a marker filled with acrylic paint. Neeeeato! I used it on the outline of my swirls and it was so much easier than a brush. As I can justify spending money on artsy stuff, I will be buying many more of them.
I'll keep it short and sweet and leave ya with what's gonna be in the show (it is fully outlined in black, forgot to upload the completed piece.)

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