Tuesday, December 22, 2009


That's what I should really call this damn blog. I want to get all those witty things out of my head and post em. Somehow by the time I click open a tab and start typing, they've all wandered off. Damn short attention span thoughts. So what's been going on in my lil corner of the world? Nada. Perhaps that's contributing to the lack of post fodder. I did have about ten zillion xmas parties to attend this last week. Okay two, but I'm a hermit and it felt like I had to "be somewhere" every night. Not saying it wasn't a blast and I even got to dress up all purdy. But is it so wrong to want to stay home and watch crappy reality tv instead? Of that, I am a fan. Why enrich my life and broaden my horizons by learning or interacting with friends when I can watch Khloe drunkenly attack douchebag Scott? What's more enriching than that? Okay just about anything, but it is making winter more interesting in a cheaper-than-going-out-and-drinking-and-then-hating-life-the-next-day way.

Which is where I'm at today. I had to go out last night. My bestie J was mad I didn't spend time with her Sunday night, so she wanted me to come out Monday. So I did. Which apparently wasn't good enough. So I sat there, with V luckily, while we entertained ourselves and everyone else played a board game. Effing rad. It felt nice. So we got drunk about it and how! Especially after ditching the game we weren't a part of and going to visit mama bear at the Imp. Met a new person. One who may or may not be a person of interest this winter. We'll see. I'm not holding my breath. My other main accomplishment of yesterday, other than spending a lot of money of stuff that makes me feel like crap, was working out. Yay!

I bought several workout dvd's this summer and whatcha know, never used them. Weeeird. Cleaned my room up all nice and finally busted one out. My knee has been hurting me, so I figured that if I did the lower body workout, it would help it. Suuuure. Holy effing hell that video kicked my ass. Or my legs actually. At least it was a hot lesbian instead of Jane Fonda or the crazy little hairy munchkin. I am excited to start using it more, it was hard but good. And not only did I wake up with the MOAH (mother of all hangovers), I could also barely walk. MY LEGS HURT SO FUCKING BAD! Like I can barely step over the threshold of the door. Eff walking up stairs, yeah right! I'm pretty certain the oldest person on earth could beat me at a foot race today. And possibly tomorrow. Not to mention the amazing array of grunting / moaning noises it takes for me to get up out of this chair. I am so hot. Ah fuck it, it's a start and I'll take it!

In other news, I've decided I care not about the holidays this year. I'm single and broke and not excited about all the xmas crap? Big surprise. I'm sure if I was all excited about it, I'd still have said yes to working. On Christmas. Yup. So when the day has been overloaded by family and food and presents, come on down and drink up some holiday cheer! Alone and broke? Come on down and not tip me! All the while telling me boring stories and leering at me and most likely stinking. Oh wait, that's the customers who will already be there. I forgot. Such a charmed life I lead. And on that note, time for me to grunt my way out of this chair and smoke. Yaaay :D

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