So this year I didn't make any resolutions. Yes there are lots of things I want to change, but I don't want to fail at them. If I resolve to do or not do them, I'm gonna fail. So I'm just quietly working on them. But I do have an honest to goodness resolution. That can't take effect until the end of the summer. So I am following society and making it now, but don't have to actually follow up on it for quite a while. So maybe I won't fail! I'm kind of a genius.
Anyways, my new year's, err mid year's resolution: Once I pay off my practically maxed out credit card, I will only use it for travel. Only. No using it between paychecks and letting the debt pile up. I have a smaller card I could use for that, but hopefully I don't need that one either. But my bigger limit card should be used for fun damn it! So ideally we will be able to take several vacations a year. Or at least one. Gots to get out of this effing town sometime.
This leads me to my summer job. I'm nervous. It's not a new job, I've worked there five years. I quit last January to only work at the bar. The job is semi seasonal. April through September is the money making time. But I usually end up working part time up until December and then sporadically until April. I have a love hate relationship with this job. There is a lot of stress. Like I should be a doctor (minus saving lives) kind of stress. Maybe working on wall street would have been a better example. But I make a ton of money during the summer months. And then there's my boss. I love my boss, don't get me wrong. But we are very different people. And we are very close friends, so I think that adds to the stress when something is fucked up. I'm just worried that it's going to be like summers in the past. I need my boss to be at work more than he is, somehow I don't meet his higher than everest expectations, dealing with douche bag employees. Every year we get at least one person who seems great and then isn't. And it's such a short season usually we try and make it work and not fire them.
So yeah, I'm worried. But I can pay off my whole credit card if I work hard enough. That's motivation enough for me. And it will be fine in the end. Whatever happens I'll make it through. And then come fall I'm free. We will be debt free or at least massively less in debt, we could move somewhere else if we wanted, whatever we want.
And I'm damn good at selling knives. Never wanted to be, but took the job on a lark. And there's nothing better than being able to read a person, show them what you know they want, and ring up a $1000+ sale while the other employees drool. Okay that doesn't happen everyday, but it's fucking awesome when it does.
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