So what happened to the Lion-Berrys at the end of the year? Let's see. Monday night I went out with our friend V, got super darn drunk, big surprise. V spent the night cause we're responsible like that. When she left Tuesday morning she locked the door knob. Makes sense, right? Wouldn't want anyone breaking into our place. Especially whilst I sleep off my drunkeness. Fast forward to that afternoon and I finally take the dog out. We go out in the yard, she runs around, blah blah blah. Come back upstairs, yup, door's locked. We don't have a key to the door knob. At all. We just use the deadbolt. Luckily I had my cell phone on me. Called the property manager and he came up forever later. Didn't have the right key, had to be gone forever again. But he gave me several smokes since mine were locked inside. Anyway, the doggie and I spent about an hour locked out. She really did not understand why we had to be by the door instead of inside of it by the heater. But it all worked out in the end.
That night I made steak and potatoes and sauteed carrots and green beans. I was very impressed, seeing as how I don't eat a lot of meat and I cook it even less. But it was pretty tasty, Sarah said she liked it.
Wednesday I had to work. Of course I did, I'm a bartender. I got there at 8 and frantically tried to over stock everything so that we wouldn't run out while the place was packed. And actually the night when pretty well. While it was slow for the first couple of hours I had some drunk guys buying me shots. So that helped my attitude immensely. We didn't have any fights, which is a damn miracle. And it slowed down enough that I was able to leave early! I was told I could leave around 2, but I had to enter in a bunch of credit card slips if I wanted my cut of the tips. Oh hell yeah. So I ended up getting out of there around 40 after. Just when the other bars are closing. Ending up having a swig of Beam on the street (always classy) and then helping my incredibly drunk friend get to her house. All the while freezing my ass off. Then I got my new years kiss the next morning from Sarah. Who slept through the new years, I'll have you know:)
We finished the second season of Prison Break, like two days after we got it. Last night we just finished Carnivale. I'm sad it's only two seasons long, but there is no way they could make a third. Now we're onto the 9th season of Friends that I got from Sarah's SIL. I love me some Friends.
Today I'm sick-ish. I don't know if I'm actually sick or if it's cause I took cough medicine last night. That stuff makes me so out of it. I had some uber weird dreams because of it. One where I had to go through some security scan to enter a hotel and the lady said that my weight was unhealthy. And I said yeah I know. But my weight was like 500+ lbs. Yikes. But I didn't cough.
I'm gonna let the pooch run. Then I might be back to talk about day dreams of warmer climes, babies, and entrepreneur ideas.
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