Monday, January 26, 2009

Plans, Scams, and Plarn Part III

Plans, Scams and Plarn Part III


Lately I've been getting into the craft mode. I have several baby blankets or gifts that I need to make soon. Like yesterday. It'd be great if my little sis got something from me for my new nephew Bradley. Who's four month old. Way to be on it! I would like to make something for Sydne who is due in February and I have to make something for Harmonie who is due in March. So I've been looking through my books and online and getting all kinds of ideas not baby related.

I also hate plastic bags. Haaate them. But I have a ton of them. I just keep shoving them into a cabinet. And there they sit, waiting to be repurposed. I think I get it from my parents, they always had tons of bags around to "reuse" which we never really did. Except for emptying the litter box. Enter Plarn.

Plarn is plastic yarn, made from never gonna leave this earth plastic shopping bags. I found a really easy tutorial online on how to make the bags into workable yarn. I also found out about fusing bags to create fabric like material. I'm so excited. And nerdy. I can't do the fusing yet because I need wax paper. But making plarn? I'm so there! I think I'm going to make a kitchen rug first, that seems like an easy way to start out. Then maybe a shopping bag. Out of many shopping bags. Oh the nerd I am!

Now off to cut many many strips of plastic and watch the Italian Job.

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