Monday, January 26, 2009

Plans, Scams, and Plarn Part II

Alright Plans, Scams, and Plarn Part II


I was minding my own business about to make lunch when someone knocked on the door. It was a guy, probably early to mid twenties. His name was Justin and he said he had just got back from Iraq and was going door to door to brush up on his social skills.
Said there were about fifty of them in town. First he asked me about my job, since that's what they were supposed to ask apparently. Talked about the snow and how he isn't used to it, but might move here someday. Then he said that they are accruing points and I can help! Gee I can? Tell me how! So basically the government is having a magazine drive to get guys like him into med school. Why the big alarms didn't go off then I don't know, only the little ones did. So I looked it over. I asked him what part of the service he was in, he told me but it sounded weird. I told him I'd buy a subscription, but didn't have cash or check which is what he needed. He said he couldn't bill me and that he'd come by the bar later. I told him where I work remember? So then when he was leaving he asked if I knew the other people in the building. He asked if any of them were older. That and the weird answer about his military branch set off the big alarms. I said goodbye and emailed S. And then got really freaked out. Sure he just wanted my money, but he could have just been some insane person walking by wanting to cut up a stranger. I'm all alone with a dog who will lick you to death if anything. Big help she would be.

So one I feel like an idiot for even half believing him. But two I feel weird and violated that he came to my door. He came to where I live. And he could have been a worse person wanting to do worse things. It's just creepy and horrifying and adds to my long list of paranoia. S told me to call the non emergency police number, but I'm still to weirded out by it. So she's gonna call. She's the best. I love her so much.

And I don't want to leave the house but Zyda really has to go and I think a smoke would do me good. So I'm just gonna man up and do it.

Alright, after the doggy pee break, onto part three of our exciting tri-blog-ogy, Plarn!

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