Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sick of being sick

Thursday I was coughing pretty bad so I took cough medicine, hence the weird dreams in my last post. Friday I felt out of it, not sick not well. Then comes Saturday. I woke up feeling pretty good. I had some buttered toast and coffee/cocoa and settled in to our marathon of Friends. As I'm sitting there I realize how nauseous I was becoming. And as the day went on it just got worse. I ended up throwing up at least 6 times that evening. It pretty much went drink water, wait a few minutes, puke, feel good for a while until I thought I was better at which time I would drink water or eat "ah" cracker and the process would repeat. Over and over. And somewhere along the way I developed a fever. Pretty rad Saturday.

I feel kind of better today. Still no energy and I don't want to try and eat, lest I become chained to the bathroom again. Sorry for the disgusting post but that's what's going on in my life.

Sarah is not sick and hopefully won't become so. She has all kinds of cleaning energy, which is great since I sure as hell don't. While I had some energy this morning we moved the extra bed downstairs and a bunch of empty boxes and the old dog bed. And we brought up a folding table we will use in the second room. I really want to use that room. As it is, we're paying like 300 extra bucks for a giant junk room, which isn't so good. But if we can get it organized it's worth it. I can start using my screen press and maybe sell stuff! That would be fantastic, but it'd be fun just to use it. 

Off to eat some crackers. Mmm crackers.

Oh yeah...I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've been stomach sick without alcohol involved since I was in high school. Awesome. That's kind of good right? Means I'm usually healthy unless I do something to screw it up.

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