Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Post?

I'll try and make it so, but no promises. I've been spinning my wheels in CT since B dropped me off on Thursday. The story was she'd be back by today or Monday. And that got delayed. So now maybe Wednesday. Which is making me feel like I have a soggy rain cloud around my head. Well so much for happy post. It's just so very frustrating to be within 3 hours of her and not be with her. Especially when I only have limited days when I can possibly be with her. I'm literally killing time. Bam. Gone. But all I can tell myself is that I'm in it to win it. This is worth it. It's worth whatever this winter can throw at me. She's worth it a million times over. I've got this!

The slight upside to her not moving to Juneau this winter is that I'm free to work at the bar. Not that she wouldn't let me! It's just that I hated the idea of her being there working a more normal hours job and me going to work when she gets home. I hate living an opposite life. It's not fun. Not even a little. But if she's not there, hell I can work every effing night. Working New Year's Eve? Not a prob, no one to kiss! So my current plan is to work as much as possible all winter. This will make time pass and make me money. Another plan is to stop drinking. Like completely. All the time. I know myself and I know I will end up shooting myself in the foot if I drink this winter. So that will be even better for me! I'm not going to eff up the most amazing thing to happen to me because I want to get tipsy. I'm too old to do that crap. I've got my eye on the prize. So for now I'm working my way through my bottle o' vodka at my mom's house. And damn am I a good bartender!

Today was a good day though. I did all kinds of crafty stuff. Like tons yo! I added text to the wall hanging I started painting yesterday. And I watercolored a picture of the back yard and gave it to my mom. It should be hung on the fridge cause it looks like a 7th grader made it. But it made me happy. I sat outside pretty much all day painting. And drilling. Or etching, whatever. I got a little pen sized etching tool and picked the good rocks from around the patio and etched stuff on them. Mostly hearts and stars and whatnot. My ulterior motive is to give them to B (so that she thinks about me every second I'm not with her). Big surprise there! I may get some shallow wood box and fill it with white sand and she can have a tiny zen garden of love or I will just give her the stones. Some of them turned out pretty darn cool. Iffin I do say so myself. I also finally got my metal character stamps. Woo hoo! I've been searching for them all summer. Debating whether or not I really needed them or not. And then we were going to some store and next to it was one of the places I had found them online. Hot damn real world! They haven't worked perfectly yet. I need a benchstone or anvil, but they will!

Later on in the day a neighbor brought over a ton of mystery peppers and broccoli from the community garden. Grandma didn't want him to leave all of it, she thought it was too much. I said hell no and thank you very much, we'll take it ALL! Turns out the peppers are hot like I thought. They are delish is what they really are! So I have two bowls of sliced peppers waiting. I think I am going to make pickled peppers. And also that mix my dad loved to eat, some Italian thing. Peppers, cauliflower, carrots and onions pickled together. I love that shit. And now I get to make it? Holy effing radness batman. So my plan is to research just the right recipe and techniques tonight. Tomorrow pick the carrots and beets from the backyard and getta cannin! Oh yeah I'm gonna pickle some beets too. I could very quickly get used to having a garden. Very quickly.

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