Monday, October 12, 2009

Keepin on keeping on

So I have had a little spare time lately. Like say, all day, to peruse the internet. Turns out there isn't much on it. So after checking my fave blogs, it's back to darned face book. Because it's there. And if I'm online and one of my friends back home is, instant convo! The four hour time difference doesn't help however. So I adopted a pet on there. It's completely stupid and not something I would waste my time with ordinarily. But it's filling time. And it makes me laugh because I adopted a panda and named it Frigid. As in "The only species that won't fuck to save itself." One of my fave authors. So that makes me giggle. And I've been taking quizzes. Big surprise there. I do one and get on a bender, searching for the best and most descriptive quiz ever. Because I suck. Yesterday I took one called "What cute love quote are you?" Don't judge me, I'm a bored girl in love! And the answer I got was "If I can only be with you in my dreams, let me sleep forever." Le Sigh! It was all about long distance shit. The line in the description that I need to remember was "Keep up the fight and be who you are. Love lasts a lifetime. If it's the real thing you'll know.." Remember how I believe in signs and fate and all that good stuff? Even face book is telling me to fight for her. And I shall.

And that commences my low point in bloggerdom. Blogging about a quiz result and my fake panda I adopted, both from face book.

Oh yeah! I found out I can "walk" past her house via street view using g.oogle maps. Made me grin like an idiot to see the porch I stood on with her less than a week ago. I can't wait to be there again.

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